Chapter 6 - His Eyes and soul

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(Includes a bit of lemon)

(Narrator pov)

Its been a year and error has been wondering about fresh's eyes and his soul, Error was in the living room of fresh's house since apparently fresh insisted that he stayed with him, fresh was in his room and he was listening to music with his headphones on, so error got off of the couch and started to head upstairs he opened and closed the door to fresh's room and saw fresh laying on the bed with his eyes closed, error walked up to fresh and poked him, making fresh open his eyes and stop his music "hm? what's up error brah?" Fresh said sitting up and taking off his headphones "Hey fresh, I was wondering, what does your soul look like and also why is your eye like that?" error said sitting on the bed, fresh flinched at the question.

(also I don't know if this is correct I'm making this one part up)

"u-um well broski, this is hard to explain but my soul... I hmm... well how do I explain it, my soul is in my eye, I had to move it because of incidents in the past... so yeah, I guess... that's the best way I could explain it heh" fresh said scratching the back of his neck trying to explain "so your telling me that you had to move your soul to your eye, that's really cool!, wait... does that mean you can take it out and a normal pupil will appear?" error said looking directly at the soul "u-um I'd rather not test that broski" fresh said but error was already taking it out, error held fresh's soul in his hands and looked at fresh's eye as nothing appeared "Hm that's weird, but also cool" error said "u-um error brah I-I think you should put my soul b-b-back" fresh said very worried for his soul "Aww but cant I hold it for a bit longer?" error said, he was very interested in the color and wanted to examine it more "mmm... f-fine b-but be very c-careful broski" fresh said he was very nervous "Also fresh before anything, It's fine I wont hurt you" error said smiling, fresh smiled back at error, then error started to examine the soul making sure to be gentle then he had an idea. "I wonder..." error said as he poked the middle, this caused fresh to moan lowly, Then fresh Now realizing what happened he quickly covered his face his blush quickly covering his whole face. "D-did you j-just..." Error stuttered out as he looked at fresh then at fresh's soul, it was wet? well only a bit, error was very curious so he kept poking it in the center making fresh moan, the more error touched the wetter the soul would get then he had an idea, Error put his finger in the middle of fresh's soul then pushed deep into fresh's soul making fresh moan louder even though it was muffled, error really liked how fresh sounded, then holding fresh's soul in one hand error takes the other and takes fresh's hands away from his face, with his blue strings trying them to the bed post, Error looked at fresh, fresh's face was fully covered in purple blush and his eyes were closed from embarrassment, error looked at fresh with lust in his eyes, then losing control of himself he rubbed fresh's soul harder than before making fresh moan even more, error then had a thought he brought fresh's soul to his mouth then licked it fresh arched his back and moaned at the sensation, error smiled as he put the soul In his mouth and wrapped his tongue around the soul tasting the ooze coming off of it, fresh was moaning like crazy as he arched his back in a painful angle, this went on for awhile then error fully losing himself got on top of fresh as he started to grind against fresh's forming D*ck, fresh was overwhelmed with pleasure as they both lost themselves in the feeling then error finally coming to consciousness error blushed a dark yellow, and quickly got off of fresh, then forgetting the soul is in his mouth he spoke "S-sorry!" Error said then fresh moaned out loud, then error quickly remembered and took the soul out of his moth making fresh moan low and panted, "S-sorry! I-I don't know what came over me!" Error quickly said "I-it's... haahh I-it's fine..." fresh said through his pants, fresh sat up as he leaned on the crook of error's neck "F-fresh?" Error said "mnn" fresh said as he started to fall asleep "Heh..." error layed fresh down and placed fresh's soul on the table then cuddled up to fresh as he fell asleep as well.

~The next Morning~

Fresh woke up too tired to even move as he saw error cuddling up to his chest, Then he looked around looking for his soul, he saw it on the side table, he picked it up and put it back in his eye, it felt warm from error's mouth he blushed at the thought then noticed error starting to wake up, "morning brah" fresh said "M-morning fresh" error said as he got up fresh soon following, "So what do you wanna do today Fresh" Error said "don't know broski" fresh said, Then fresh suddenly remembered yesterday and blushed "What's wrong?" error said "n-nothing... b-but why w-w-would ya do... that broski?" fresh said averting eye contact "Do what?" error said then realized what he was talking about and blushed "O-oh t-that... s-sorry! I don't know what came over me!" Error said "I-it's f-fine.... I actually kinda liked it" fresh said whispering the last part making sure error did not hear it... But error heard everything even the last part and blushed madly then had an idea. while fresh was averting his gaze error crawled up to fresh and suddenly licked Fresh's neck, fresh jolted as he felt error lick his neck then melted into pleasure as error started sucking, nibbling, licking, and biting, fresh's neck.

~Thank you for reading Chapter 6, and thanks for reading this far,hope ya enjoyed reading so far~

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