Chapter 4 - Spending time together

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(Narrator pov)

Fresh and blue were just talking waiting for error to wake up, then they heard a groan they looked over at error, he was waking up, once error's vision focused he looked at where he was he started to cry as he lunged at fresh making them fall to the floor "shh it's ok error your safe now" fresh said error looked up at him "Where did your slang go?" error said as fresh got up and error instantly clung onto him with a hug "do you like my slang?" fresh said "yes... because your being yourself" error said "is this better brah?" fresh said "Mhm" error said as he nuzzled fresh's neck. "but error brah are you feeling all up and better now brah" fresh asked error "... n-not really" error said as he hugged fresh tighter "w-what happened error brah?" fresh said "I-I don't w-wanna talk about it..." error said "alright error brah, you don't have to all up and explain now" Fresh said as he got up holding error and sat on the bed with error in his arms still hugging him, "btw error brah I hope ya don't mind that I all up and brought some friends over" fresh said, error looked around to see blue sitting next to him and fresh, and he saw lust on a bean bag with a blanket "Why is lust here?" error asked "Oh! lust brah all up and healed ya, and it took 20 minutes he was radical although he passed out he is a cool brah" fresh said "Oh alright" error said they just sat there for a few minutes before they heard a groan they looked over at lust to see lust getting up and putting the blanket on the bean bag and walking over to the others "H-hey guys..." lust says very sleep deprived "lust you should probably get more sleep" blue said making lust lay on the bed "B-but error is he ok?" lust asked "I-Im fine, your should get some s-sleep" error said lust smiled that his work was useful he finally felt accepted "I'm glad to know I helped and I guess I will sleep some more now ok?" lust said laying down "a-alright get a good rest" error said as lust basically passed out. "I'm glad that your better now error but as much as I would love to stay I have to go on my patrol" blue said as he got up from the bed "Alright broski" fresh said as he made a portal to undersawp for blue "be safe!" blue said "You too" Error said as blue waved them goodbye and went through the portal as it closed behind him. "So what ya wanna do brah, since lust is gonna be all up and resting and blue is working?" Fresh asked error. "C-can we just stay here for a bit..." error said snuggling to fresh "sure error brah" fresh said as he hugged error, they stayed there for a few good minutes then fresh created a portal and got a plate of cookies and closed the portal. "error brah here" fresh said error looked to the side and saw a plate of cookies, his eyes sparkled as he instantly grabbed one and started eating it, "Hey fresh..." error said as he stopped eating the cookies and looked up at fresh "yeah error brah?" fresh said "W-why do you hang out with me? I mean I'm the destroyer of au's..." error said, fresh looked at error in disbelief, then he made error look at him in the eyes considering he never put his glasses back on, "Error, look at me... I hang out with you because your an amazing person to be around, and I don't care if your the destroyer of au's your perfect the way you are" fresh said as he smiled and for some reason error he felt.... warm inside.... that he was finally accepted and he can be himself error started crying happy tears "e-error you ok!?" fresh said with concern "Y-yeah just happy tears" error said, "well how about we go somewhere brah, so take your mind off of it broski" Fresh said "A-alright but where will we go?" error asked fresh "I know a place broski" Fresh said as he picked up error and put on his glasses as he created a portal and went through it with error in his arms, then it closed behind them, They were in an au that had made it to the surface, they stood on the outside of Mt.Ebott, and they both looked out at the sunset in was amazing, "This is beautiful" error said "not as beautiful as you" fresh whispered under his breath so error couldn't hear but error heard him since error was clinging onto fresh's chest, error was blushing like a lemon, as he looked up at fresh "W-what?" error said, then fresh for the first time blushed a light violet as he looked at error then quickly looked away "n-nothing brah" fresh said, error giggled a bit at fresh's flushed face, fresh looked back and smiled, still not knowing what he was feeling but he liked it. as the 2 watched the sunset, go down they returned to fresh's house to see a note on the bed, it was from lust, it said :

ErrorFresh {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now