Chapter 1 - Meeting Ink and Error

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(Narrator pov)

Ink and Error were fighting in a fandom au's judgement hall like normal but error noticed something while they were fighting, ink's eyes were red and his attacks were getting more frantic and he was only using red paint he shrugged it off, as time passes by ink's attacks got more and more frantic and error could barely dodge the attacks, then he suddenly got hit with a large amount of red paint unable to dodge it, as soon as the red paint hit error's body he felt a large amount of pain course through his body it felt like he was drenched in acid, he fell to the floor trying to hold in the pain, as ink walked up to him and loomed over him. "Finally... After all these years i can finally put you to an end" ink said as he splashed error in purple paint making chains around him, he did not want to miss this opportunity. "And fresh cant come and save you, and i made so myself he's.... Busy" ink said , what he meant is that he tied fresh up and made dream watch over him, but little did they know that wouldn't hold fresh for long.

As ink held up his paintbrush about to hit error he got kicked across the judgement hall, error's eyes widened, as the person picked him up and made a portal as they jumped through with error, closing it behind them. They were in Fresh's house, Error looked up at the figure as he wasn't surprised it was fresh, They were in fresh's bedroom, Fresh laid error down on the bed and took off the chains as he sat next to error. "Error are you ok?" Fresh asked error not using his slang "tch im fine but you could of gotten hurt!" Error said glitching, with a hint of annoyance and worry in his voice. "Its fine error but i need to make sure he doesn't hurt you i don't want you getting hurt and i could never live with that" fresh said holding error's hands "And i cant live with myself if you got hurt to ya know" error said kissing fresh's cheek "l-love you" error said blushing "love ya to broski" fresh said as he kissed error on the lips (?).

So you must be wondering :
'What is going on?' Well let me explain error and fresh have known each other for 5 years and have grown very close after events that happened 2 years ago. But to fully understand we will have to go back to 5 years ago.
To when Fresh met Ink and error.

~5 years ago~
So Fresh was just skateboarding through random dimensions like normal then as he skateboarded through his portal he stopped at he remembered where this was it was underswap, he then decided to visit blue.
(this is before blue got taken)
He picked up his skateboard as he closed the portal behind him and started walking to blue's house. And he reached the house he knocked on the door, and after a few seconds the door was opened by a hyper blueberry "Hey Fresh!" Blue said excitedly as he let fresh in and closed the door behind him, blue then led fresh to his room and opened the door to see another skeleton drawing on the floor look up, "Hey blue brah who is this rad broseph" fresh said "This is ink! Ink meet fresh, fresh ink!" Blue said closing the door as ink got up and shook fresh's hand "nice to meet you fresh!" Ink said happily "you too broski" fresh said "GUYS LETS HAVE A SLEEPOVER!!!" Blue basically yelled in excitement the other 2 agreed and said to meet back in blue's room in 30 minutes.

~30 minutes later~

Ink and blue were talking when a portal showed up and fresh walked through in a rainbow shirt that said 'sleeping is rad' and some sweatpants that were light blue, And he had a backpack then he closed the portal behind him "you can make portals to?! Thats so cool!" Ink said his pupils changing to stars "hey whats with the backpack?" Blue asked "well blue brah i've never been to a sleepover so i-" fresh was caught off by blue and ink "YOU'VE NEVER HAD A SLEEPOVER!?" Ink and blue said shocked "nope but i brought alot of Radtastic things that might all up and be used in this radical sleepover blue brah and inky brah" fresh said as he put down his backpack by the wall and sat down by the other 2.

As the night went on they all had lots of fun, well ink and blue did, fresh was enjoying himself but did not feel anything. hours later they decided to play truth or dare.

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