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*8:54 a.m.*

Third Person POV
It was currently daylight as the sun peeked through mattia's room sending little rays of light beaming throughout the italians room, as kairi and mattia peacefully slept the rest of the boys just stood there watching as kairi and mattia cuddled up into each other.

Robert thought it would be funny to go and jump on them but his smile was wiped clean off his face as he saw the reaction from mattia's face after robert woke up kairi, everyone knew kairi hardly slept with that being said they also knew kairi slept when cuddled with mattia and mattia didn't like when anyone woke kai up from sleeping. Mattia was full with angry as he saw kairi slightly frown from being woken up and all mattia could do was glare at the big nose boy robert and give him a death glare basically saying 'I'll kill you'.

Kairi immediately noticed mattia's deadly stares towards robert and gently placed his hand on mattia's and in a split second the tall upset boy's face softened as the warmth from kairi's hand spread throughout his. Mattia didn't have to question who it was cause he already knew it was his bubs, so he gently turned to kairi with a small smile creeping on his lips.

Mattia looked at kairi and just admired his best friend's features as a perfect ray of light hit kairi's skin making him look like an angel-maybe a god even.
The italian didn't look at kairi in that way he just gave compliments to the wasian where it was due because did look absolutely breath taking.

Kairi's POV

I noticed mattia holding eye contact and I could feel my cheeks heat up as I tinted a low shade of pink, I always saw mattia as the boy of my dreams and wished that mattia would feel the same way. I just sat there slightly slumped just analyzing mattia's well structured face from his sharp jawline, to his perfectly full plump pink lips to the way his eyes would glisten and turn a light brown in the light and the way his raven black hair would be perfectly part down the middle!

To me I saw mattia as a god, a really sexy god, but I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when ale spoke up "So...um y'all forgot we were here too?" Roshaun nodded in agreement as alvaro scoffed and said "Bro they're eye-fucking each other."

Mattia's POV

"Bro they're eye-fucking each other." is what alvaro said mattia quickly deadpanned "I'm not gay, kai is hot but I'm not gay. I don't see him like that" and with me saying those words I could feel kairi retract his hand and it caught my attention, he sat there looking the other way with a slight frown on his face and I could tell something was wrong but didn't speak on it because knowing kai he wouldn't wanna talk about it.

He slowly got up and headed to the bathroom going to shower as the rest of the boys were already ready for whatever was planned for today, mattia mentally groaned because he knew he upset his best friend he just couldn't understand why.

Third Person POV

As kairi finished showering and doing his skin care routine mattia went in right after him, they were all ready and they all decided to go to get something to eat first then head to the mall for a bit. To say kairi was still hurt by mattia's words was an understatement, they were currently in Denny's getting breakfast and kairi just didn't know if he could handle sitting beside mattia so he decided to let mattia go in and then let roshaun slide next to him and kairi sat next to roshaun (if ykyk).

Mattia was upset that kairi didn't sit beside him but he just brushed it off, they ordered their food and starting making small talk while eating, kairi just stayed quiet and sat and listened to his friends conversation not saying a word. Ale took notice to kairi being oddly quiet and spoke up "Yo kai, you good?"
kairi just sat there with all eyes on him, he giggled out of embarrassment and hummed a "mhm" before avoiding mattia's eyes intently staring holes into him.

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