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Warning: This chapter contains angst, if you feel uncomfortable with it then don't read it. I hope y'all enjoy!

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Third Person POV

It was the same day just couple hours after mattia decided kairi was a one night stand, it was currently 8:42 a.m. and kairi had just woken up. He didn't feel to do anything but he knew if he stayed and layed back down he would mope all day and be left to fall in a never ending black pit of emotions that would attack him like hungry voulchers (idk if that's how you spell it) desperate for any source of food.

With 10 minutes of contemplation, kairi slumped out of his bed and went to his bathroom, he didn't feel like showering so he just fixed his hair and brushed his teeth. He grabbed his phone and saw that he had a lot of text messages and missed calls from his friends that were most likely asking him if he wanted to hang, kairi didn't bother to reply he just pushed his phone in his sweatpants pocket grabbed a hoodie and headed downstairs.

He told his mother he was going for a walk and when she noticed his bloodshot eyes she started to worry but kairi just brushed off the questions his mother had to ask, he felt bad, yes because he knew his mother was his biggest support system and he could trust her with anything but kairi just didn't feel like talking with anyone about the situation or mattia for that matter.

Kairi was walking along the sidewalk, no idea where he was heading just going wherever his legs took him and to his surprise they took him to a park only 5 minutes away from his house, he entered the park to see little children running and shouting and laughing just having fun and kairi couldn't help but think to himself "If only I could go back to being that happy". Kairi sat on a bench by a duck pond in the park just watching as the ducks swam around, and he couldn't help but feel a little at ease.

The small boy was sitting there zoned out from the world just watching, nothing in particular until he heard his phone ringing which snapped him back into reality, he pulled his phone out and saw it was a call from alvaro so he just decided to answer.

Alv: "Hey kai, um the boys are asking if you wanted to hang"
Kairi: "The boys? or you mean mattia?"

There was shuffling from alvaro's side of the call for a minute until a voice spoke, that voice that would send kairi into tears in a matter of split seconds.

Tia: "Bubs, please we need to ta-"
Kairi: "Mattia I could careless what you have to say at this moment, you made it completely clear to me what I am to you! So please do me a favor and just leave me alone."

And with that kairi hung up, tears threatening to slip out like a cup filled with too much water that would cause a mess at the slightlest shake.

Kairi got up from the bench and wiped away his tears, checking the time he was surprised it was after 12 in the afternoon, kairi decided to make his way back home but he knew mattia wouldn't stop so he turned off his location and went completely inactive on all social media platforms.

Alvaro's POV

Kairi seemed hurt, genuinely hurt and hearing how he responded to mattia got me thinking "What the fuck did this dumb dino headass do!?" but I brushed it off as we all decided to go to kairi's house same way to check on him, well mattia decided it. I only agreed cause I wanted to get to the bottom of this.

We arrived at kairi's house and we were greeted by his mom, she told us he wasn't home but we could've waited on him in his room, so that's what we did. It was a good 25 minutes later and the time read 11:34 a.m. and he wasn't back yet so I decided to go and get food for all of us, robert and roshaun said they would join me and mattia and alejandro stayed behind. We exited the house and made our way to Wendy's to get food.

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