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I woke up to the sound of music playing in the background, as I rose from my I noticed tayler wasn't in the room. I saw kairi peacefully sleeping on the pull out couch and immediately the guilt started to build over me, I lied to him, I made promises I couldn't keep and I broke him is all I could say about myself. I was brought out of my thoughts at the feelings of arms around me and when I turned around it was tayler, he was a sweet guy and very funny but I wanted kairi and being with tayler is only messing that up, i thought to myself. I gave tayler a weak smile but he wanted more, he leaned in and I really didn't know what to do so I leaned in also.


I was sleeping fine, yeah besides the overwhelming nightmares I keep having, the non stop thoughts about how I'm worthless, not good enough, trash, a cry baby, a need clingy piece of shit.

After quietly whimpering for about 10 seconds I lifted my head from the pull out bed and rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes, after making my eyes adjust to the light in the room I took in everything around me. But.. something in particularly caught my eye— mattia and tayler making out on mattia's bed.

Honestly I wanted to feel some type of way but I couldn't, at least not anymore. I had to stop letting people walk over me, I had to stop letting people use me, I had to go NUMB. I only stared with a blank expression, no emotion just straight seriousness.

I began to gather my clothes so I could take a shower but also catching the attention of the two lovers across the other side of the room, not that I really cared. I was making my way to the bathroom when out of the blue mattia called to me.

tia: "Kai, do you uh want breakfast? I could make you some."

I paused for a second not sure what to say. But I just said the first thing to come to mind.

kai: "Nah."

And with that I entered the bathroom and began to clean myself to begin my day, lord knows it's gonna be hectic I could just feel it.


I was happy that kairi acted the way he did to mattia, I don't have anything against kairi personally it's just he's interfering with me and mattia and I'm not gonna let that happen. So I gotta break him, upset him so much he won't have a choice but to snap on mattia.

Seems petty yes but I'm only here to secure what's mine.

tayler: "Bubs? Could you make me some breakfast?"

I softly asked mattia me breakfast hoping he would.

tia: "Uh yeah sure, go ahead down I'll be right there."

tayler: "Okay."

And with that I smiled in victory and pecked him on the cheek and made my way upstairs to the kitchen.


I really wanted to talk to kairi so I could at least give him an explanation, but I knew it was going to be hard. I sat down in my room waiting for kairi to come out, I was thinking about what I should say to him or if I just do something to show him I want him, but before I could think further my thoughts were interrupted by the bathroom door being opened and then shut closed.

I turned my head to see kairi standing there, hair wet from just bathing, water droplets running down his slightly toned chest, his beautiful plump lips that were slightly parted open. I was admiring his whole existence but something on him strange caught my eye, his arm it was red— redder than any other part on his body and they were lines?

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