595 23 14

Before you read this chapter, go back and read the chapter titled "12" to understand this chapter better. If not you will be confused on what's going on so go back and read the chapter called "12"


Three days...

Three days since I last saw kairi, to be completely honest I felt like shit, kairi was the only person who kept me feeling alive who actually made me feel things but I lost him. He stayed for the remainder of my birthday party but left as soon as it was finished.

I sighed brushing off the thoughts as I turned off my car and made my way to my school building, I didn't try to hide how I felt anymore so I just came to school in a grey sweatpants, a plain black hoodie with my glasses and my white and black vans.

I knew my eye bags were pretty obvious due to the fact everyone was staring and pointing at me but I couldn't care I just made my way to my locker to get my things, I then went over to my friends not bothering to socialize or pay attention to their conversation just zoning out and keeping to myself. I was practically sleeping with my eyes open when I felt a push on my shoulder snapping be back into reality.

ale: "Yo you're gonna be late, bell just rung."

I mentally groaned but sighed.

tia: "Okay."

That was all I could say before making my way to class, I caught kairi's worried look but I just dismissed it not really trying to cry my eyes out thinking about how I lost a precious angel, I continued walking approaching my class and then entering thankfully being the first one tbere, I just went straight to the back in my usual seat and put my head down dozing off not caring to do anything today.

Time Skip

Third Person

It was lunch time and mattia practically sulked all the way into the cafeteria not caring about what looks anyone had to give him, in his mind he was ready to just say "Fuck it" and leave school and get conpletely wasted but he just stayed flopping down in his spot not having a care in the world.

roshaun: "Yo mat you good bro?"

I didn't speak just simply nodded yes and placed my head on the table tuning everyone out again, I was drifting off to sleep but I particular conversation caught my attention and pulled me out of my tired state.

ale: "Kairi you can't let him walk over you, he's your best friend he deserves to know."

I could barely hear kairi's response as he was trying to keep his tone as a whisper.

ale: "Yes I know kairi but he hurt you, he physically hurt you, mattia deserves to know."

Hearing that someone hurt kairi was the only thing that could send my anger sky rocketing.

tia: " I deserve to know what, kai?"


tia: "I deserve to know what, kai?"

I mentally panicked not thinking he would pay attention to the conversations around him, I looked at alejandro for help but he only shrugged and muttered under his breath.

kai: "U-U-Um nothing, just ale being over dramatic." I awkwardly chuckled.

tia: "So why did he say someone physically hurt you?"

I panicked, sweat started to form at the crown of my forehead and I started to breathe heavily.

tia: "Don't lie to me either kairi, who hurt you?"

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