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Warning: Alcohol abuse will be mentioned in this chapter, if you're uncomfortable with this I REPEAT if you are uncomfortable with this then please do not read, with that being said you may proceed...

Cynthia's Party Day

Mattia's POV

I was laying in bed replaying everything that occured yesterday at kairi's house.

"Mattia stop saying your sorry! Cause if you were sorry you wouldn't have done what you done, you knew how I felt about you EVERYONE KNEW! But you still made me feel like was special, you made me feel like I could've actually have a chance to feel loved but no, you decided I was a one night stand, you decided to walk out on me knowing everything you know, YOU LEFT ME! Y- Y- You left me broken and hurting, shit I'm still hurting, I want nothing to do with you because I will not sit around and fall for your excuses just so it can happen again" I was full on sobbing and ale was holding me up from falling, he didn't know about the situation until now and to say he was shocked was an understatement.'

"I WAS DRUNK KAIRI! YOU HERE ME DRUNK, I had no control over it" I looked at him and I stood up straight hearing him say that just made my skin crawl in the most angriest way and made my blood boil to the point I could feel my body heat up "Drunk huh? But you weren't drunk to drive me home though. So explain to me how you can drive me home drunk and say you FUCKED ME because you were drunk!? HUH?" "I-" "No save it, I need you to leave, like now"

I broke him, I broke kairi. And all because I didn't want anyone thinking that I could be bisexual, I was so disgusted in myself I didn't shower when I got home yesterday I just went straight to my room and cried, cried my eyes out till I eventually fell asleep but it seemed like my thoughts were still attacking while I was asleep like a pack of wild wolves hunting down their prey.

I was so deep in thought I didn't hear when ale came in, I felt a tap and I was brought back to reality, it was ale, alvaro, roshaun and robert standing looking at me. I wanted to scream but I would never let them see me breakdown so I just sighed and spoke "What's up?" they all looked at me and then looked at each other, it got me thinking the worst of the worst and a panicked look washed over my face frightening roshaun so he broke the awkward silence "Bruh relax, we just wanted to ask if you're still coming to cynthia's party tonight" I completely forgot about the party honestly, I didn't feel like going but it would've been a great way to distract myself from everything that happened.

"Uh yeah sure why not" I shrugged and with that ale and alvaro left and it was just me roshaun and robert, we decided to play some FIFA and GTA for a bit to kill time and we made a couple tiktoks.

*Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy As FUCK*

8:27 p.m.

Third Person POV

The party was at 9 and kairi was in a crisis because he didn't have anything to wear, so with the help of alvaro and a little modelling session they finally decided on an outfit

The party was at 9 and kairi was in a crisis because he didn't have anything to wear, so with the help of alvaro and a little modelling session they finally decided on an outfit

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