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nine; i love you

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nine; i love you

3rd Person POV

Derek sat down and closed his eyes upset at what had just happened. Hotch crossed his arms and looked down at the man. "Derek, you and Hadley are in shock. You guys need a break." He said and Derek shook his head. "No, we have to find Ellie." He said and Rossi turned to call Spencer.

"Hadley and Derek are okay?" Was the first thing he asked and Rossi nodded. "Yeah, they are. Hads and Derek got into it pretty badly. She left if she goes to the station at some point-" He said but Spencer cut him off worried for the girl. "Take care of her. I got it." He said and hung up. 

Hadley's POV

I walked into the station and officers and other detectives were mourning the loss of Matt. I was going to walk into the room with everyone else but Spencer stepped in front of me.

"Hadley-" He warned and I looked up at him. "Spencer, I need to hear what's going on." I said and he shook his head. "They told me 10 minutes ago. I can recite the entire thing to you. You need some time for yourself- and some sleep." He said and I shook my head. "I can't sleep. Get out of my way." I said trying to get past him but he got in front of me again.

He grabbed my wrist and we both walked to an empty office. He closed the blinds and I looked to where there was blanket and pillows on a couch.  He moved his grip from my wrist to my hand and guided me down to the makeshift bed. I sat down and he grabbed the prosthesis and took it off, putting it on the side. "You have to try and sleep." He said and I clenched my jaw and sighed. 

"I'll wake you up in an hour. If something happens I promise I'll wake you up." He said he sat down on the makeshift bed and I sat down, putting my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around my shoulders and brought me closer to him, his right thumb making small circle on my shoulder through the fabric of the blazer.

8 months ago (before her leave)

"Step off with your left... there you go, good job." Matt said and I flared my nostrils and snorted. "Shut up, asshole. You're just mad I got you on your back." I said and he laughed and unraveled the tape around his wrist.

"You're leaving next week. You must be excited." He said and I sighed and shrugged. "I don't know." I said and he licked his lips. "You're going to do great. Just focus." He said and I nodded and clenched my jaw and I rolled my eyes.

"Abigail told me about your sister. That must be nice." He said and I shrugged. "I guess. I don't know her." I said and untied my shoes to make them looser.

"Give her a chance." He said and I snorted and laughed. "You know, you should be a therapist." I said sarcastically and he punched my arm playfully. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, I might get you on your back again." I said and he smiled. "Please LaMontagne." He said and threw a punch but I ducked it easily and kicked his leg, sending him to the ground. I bent down and pinned him.

He weaved his leg through mine and turned me on my back, so he was straddling me. I looked up at him and sighed. "You cheated." I said and he snorted, pinning my wrist to the floor.

"I still won." He stated and I snorted. He looked into my eyes and bent down, his lips connecting with mine. Before he could deepen the kiss I pulled away and looked up at him. "Matt-" I said and he cut me off. "I'm sorry, that was unprofessional of me. Especially since you're with Spencer." He said and I nodded and he stood up.

I awkwardly got up and wiped my hands on my sweats. Before-


I jolted awake, the bright sun beaming in my eyes. I looked around the small makeshift bed and Spencer was no where to be found. The door opened and Emily looked at me. "Good, I was coming to wake you up. We found Ellie, she's safe. We have to go." She said and I nodded, leaning over to put on my prosthetic.

We arrived at the house and I stepped out with my hair in a ponytail. I saw Hotch and Kurzbard talking with one another as Derek was on the phone and I walked over to them. Derek got off the phone and looked at Hotch. "He wants us to come in." He said and looked at me. I nodded and pulled out my gun.

"We know this guy Hotch. He didn't kill us before, he won't kill us now." Derek said and I walked over to the tall man and Hotch looked at me. "Hadley, this is your first encounter with an UnSub directly. Are you sure you can do this?" He asked and I looked at the house and nodded. 

"Sure. " I stated and walked with Derek into the house. "After, we need to talk." He said as we were walking across the street and I looked behind me to where Spencer, Emily, Walton and Rossi stood holding up their guns.

"Okay." I said and held up my gun as we opened the door to the house. I kept it out in front of me and Derek was by my side.

We walked into the master bedroom of the house and saw the man standing there. Derek put down his gun and so did I as we both gave the UnSub a disgusted look. "We aren't afraid of you." Derek said and the man laughed, with tears in his eyes. "You really think it matters that much to me?" He asked and I shrugged. "Then shoot us." I said challenging the both of us.

The man stood up holding a gun and smiled at us. "Put your weapon down." I yelled and he lifted it and Derek and I both pulled the trigger shooting the man. 

He fell to the floor and I out the gun in it's holster and walked out of the house with Derek by my side. I saw Ellie walking with Hotch and Derek and I looked at the girl with the botched hair. She ran to Derek and I and hugged the both of us. I placed my arm around her as Derek placed both of his arms around us, hugging us and the three of us stood there engulfed in each other's embrace.

The lights were dim on the jet as we were flying through the night. Spencer and Emily were sitting closer to the coffee machines. JJ was on the phone with Will and Hotch was going over a file as Rossi was sleeping and Anthony was snoring loudly. I sat at the end by myself and I felt Derek's presence as he sat across from me.

"Hey-" He said but I cut him off. "Derek, I'm sorry." I said and he looked at me. "Hadley, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I was just angry." He said and I nodded. "I understand. I get it.  I'm sorry for slapping you. I was just-" I said but he placed his hand on mine.

"Hadley, I shouldn't have kept that from you. I shouldn't have lied to you. I'm sorry. Ever since you've came back things have been different. And when Adeliene first told me I should have told you." He said and I gave him a small smile.

"It's okay." I said and he got up and walked over to sit next to me. He placed an arm around me and looked down. "You know, you're the best little sister anyone could ever ask for." He said and I laughed a bit. "I love you, Hads. Don't ever forget that. And don't ever think I'm not here for you." He said and a tear fell out and rolled down my cheek. "I love you too, Derek." I said and he smiled and I laughed, happy that we got past our differences.


q: how did you pick the name hadley?

a:  so i was trying to go for a name that was uncommon during the early 2000s, so I was like Hadley was a great name. At first the character's name was supposed to be Faye Walters, but i felt that it didn't fit as great as Hadley did :)

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