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Dick figured he'd run off for a bit, have a look around the country. Zeta tubes made that easy, and Bruce probably wouldn't care enough to track him down. He wasn't an absent guardian, per say, but he did give Dick a very long rope.

He'd come back if he wanted, probably not though. Dick honestly wasn't sure. He just wanted to move, roam around, he missed the days of living in a circus when you weren't in a city for more than a month. And by moving around maybe he could figure out what it was he disliked about the justice league at this point. It was probably the high-and-mighty attitude.

He packed a bag, stuffed it really. Before anyone could come by his room he was gone. He changed into casual clothes, but kept a knife in a sheath under his jumper. It wasn't great adventure attire. but it hid the bandages really well, his attempt at re-stitching himself up wasn't as good as Alfred's, but it was passable. 

Either way, there was one person he knew would have a good idea as to where he could go, and Dick was lucky enough that he was in town.

Haley's circus still managed to look like a childhood dream, even when the tents were empty and equipment was still strewn about. No one was in the middle of working, it was still a bit early, but Dick could hear someone making a racket in a nearby tent, likely starting to cook breakfast.

Dick pulled his hood down and made his way to the train compartment he knew Haley would be in- working away at paperwork. He hopped onto the connection between the two trailers and knocked on the door.

As it opened Haley was speaking, voice tired, "Jimmy, I know I said I'd get those papers to you yesterday, but something's-"

Haley froze, eyes meeting Dick's.

"hi," Dick said, stuffed his hands in his pockets, "I, uh," he cleared his throat, "hi."

Haley leaned out the door to see if anyone was there, then met Dick's eyes again, "hi."

He lead him inside, "uh, take a seat, I..." Haley fumbled for words, "what are you doing here?"

Dick blinked, "well, I... had a bit of a falling out, I'm just laying low. I saw you were in town."

Haley smiled, "ah, it's good to see you kid," he said, "but you really shouldn't be here."

Dick's heart fell, "what?"

Haley sighed, sat down on the chair on the other side of the desk, he gave Dick a sad look, "my boy, there is a history to your family that you do not know- and by being here now that history puts you in danger."

Dick blinked, "Haley, if there's some kind of mob troubles or... whatever-"

"no, no Dick," Haley sighed, "you were never supposed have a life."

Dick frowned, "I'm sorry, what?"

Haley leaned over to a drawer in his desk, he pulled it out and rifled through it as he said, "when you were young you were chosen by very... dangerous people. When your parents passed they had claim to you, I messed around with some things and made sure it didn't happen."

"I'm sorry, what?" Dick scoffed, "Haley, what are you on about?"

"have you heard of the Court of Owls?"

Dick laughed, "the old wives tale? The crazy people who used to run Gotham?" Dick smiled, "you mean like beware the court of owls, that watches-"

Haley jumped across the desk and covered his mouth before he could continue, "Speak not a whispered word!"

Dick burst out laughing, "Pop, have you been drinking again?"

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