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A/N holy shit did I actually... finish this? before the deadline?

what is this weird feeling? This story is no longer a wip but a finished fic. Wow.

"I just want you to know I'm sorry about everything," M'Gann said, looking over to Conner standing next to her, "What went wrong with our relationship was all my fault."

Conner made no move to stop her or, god forbid, contradict her, so she forged on.

"and I know it's too late now, I know you're dating Wendy Harris-"

"what?" Conner turned to her, frowning, "me and Wendy? Dating? Uh, no."

M'Gann stared, confused.

"believe it or not she's started dating Marvin," Conner smiled, and M'Gann was perfectly fine with her momentary embarrassment purely because Conner earned a moment of relaxed amusement, "he's a little worried he'll mess it up and she's a little worried he's right, so I've sorta been a bit of, I don't know..." he cocked his head in thought, it was adorable, "a buffer?"

"a... buffer?" M'Gann asked, not quite believing it, "that's great! I mean... that's so nice of you."

They heard the clearing of throats and shuffling of papers and turned to the judges. They were finally going to tell them whether they had made a difference or just made themselves look like idiots.

"we have heard your unorthodox appeal and have reached a verdict," one said, "all charges are dropped, effective immediately." The platform from the floor pulled up, their mentors standing on it.

M'Gann almost yelled out of happiness, Conner looked just as shocked as she did. They fought back the urge to jump for joy.

"the former prisoners will be processed and released to your custody forthwith." People moved towards them to release them of their hand cuffs.

"we did it," M'Gann grinned, turning to Conner, "we did it!"

"we did it!" Conner repeated, just as excited.

"ha ha!" she gripped him in a hug, jumping about, unable to fight the relief.

"the justice league owes its freedom and reputation to you and the team," Superman began.

"yeah, yeah, get into the speeches later," Conner smiled and the two supers embraced.

M'Gann ran up to her uncle and hugged him, he smiled at her and she happily remarked, "I kept your plants alive!"

"get out of here, you lot!" one of the judges ordered.

"right, yes, thanks again!" M'Gann yelled back.

They all ducked out of the court room. M'Gann tugged on Conner's sleeve.

"uh," she whispered to him, "do you think we should tell Batman now or...?"

"might be a good idea," Conner said.


They glanced at each other for a few seconds.

"well, maybe..."

"shot not," Conner said.

M'Gann stared at his back, insulted, as he sped up, beginning to explain to Superman that he and M'Gann would have to zeta back to earth and make sure nothing had gone wrong just yet. The leaguers would be arriving by other means, it would take them longer. M'Gann drifted back to walk by Batman.

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