A Mountain Raid

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Artemis met Kaldur in his office.

He was leaning against his desk, knuckles against his mouth, elbow against the other arm. The top half of his armour was absent, revealing his tattoos.

"you asked to see me, boss?" she said, and if she payed attention she could hear the fake voice the glamour charm created. Or maybe she was imagining it.

Kaldur nodded to the corner of the room's ceiling, where a camera sat, "video's out, so is microphones."

Artemis sighed as her muscles relaxed, she let the tension evaporate as she sat down in the empty chair.

"how did the mission go?"

Kaldur allowed the smallest of smiles, "very well."


Kaldur couldn't fight the smile anymore, it broke free. Artemis hadn't seen him so happy in... months. A year. A weight on her shoulders disappeared.

"Dick is on our side."


"short for Richard," Kaldur waved his hand, "he'll work with us."

Artemis' eyebrows shot up, "what?"

Kaldur's smile didn't stop.

Artemis laughed, "oh my god, are you kidding?" she ran her hand through her hair, "how? Why? What?"

Kaldur seemed to struggle with wording. "we had a heart to heart." He eventually said.

"that's one hell of a conversation," she said, leaning back in her chair, "you're sure?"

"one hundred percent."

"okay," she said, "what's our plan?"

Dick was quite sure he'd have taken a knife to his throat by now if it weren't for the fact that he found the terror twins vaguely amusing, in an annoying, undereducated way. Like watching the old looney toons cartoons.

"Brother Tommy, I think we're plumb crazy to trust this speller, I mean it wasn't two years ago mister Aqualad here, was tryna lock us back up in Belle Reve."

Tuppence Terror was almost identical to her teenaged self. Perhaps a little taller and broader in the shoulders, maybe she was a bit more edgy and gothic in an... energy way, maybe it was the vibes.

"Well, sister Tuppence, folks say he had a change of heart after finding out who his pappy is."

Dick rolled his eyes, forcing himself not to meet Kaldur's eyes. He'd probably burst out laughing. Instead he stared at his screen, arms crossed, glancing at Artemis every now and then.

She hadn't said a word to him. had Kaldur told her?

Icicle Junior swept in behind Tuppence, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I heard he switched sides cause of some girl, which I totally get, you know, if it's the right girl."

Dick had to fight his gag. He caught Artemis' eye and pointedly looked at the two talking, then rolled his eyes. He thought he caught the slightest hint of a smirk.

"step back junior, you're givin' me the chills."

"but in a good way, right babe?"

Artemis caught his eye again and, after checking none of the others were watching, mimed herself gagging. Dick smiled and stuck his tongue out in a disgusted face.

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