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Alex found Dick flying, as per usual.

She hadn't realised how much she missed watching him fly in the months he'd been gone. Now, sitting on the rock of the mountain's covered outcrop she stared up at him, soaring through the air, dropping into the net, scurrying up again only to fly once more.

Eventually he grabbed a drink of water, breathing heavily, and stared at her from his place.

"what are you doing here?" he asked.

Alex shrugged, sitting up straight, "I wanted to talk to you."

"about what?" Dick asked, walking over.

"fish lad. Aqua boy. Saltwater. Whatever you want to call him."

Dick raised an eyebrow, "why?"

Alex gestured to the space beside her. Dick sighed and sat next to her.

"what's this about?"

"I was not listening to your conversation with him last night."


"but," Alex said, "I didn't have to."

Dick sighed, "get to it, Alex."

Alex groaned, "why do you make my job as a sister so hard?"

"sorry," Dick snickered, "I could make it easier if you told me what this is about."

Alex looked at him, "take a guess."

"what do you mean?"

"when I say the name Kaldur'Ahm, what's you first thought?"

Dick swallowed and looked away, "Uhhhhh."


"shut up."

Alex poked him in the side, grinning, "Dickie's got a cruuuuuuuuuush."

"I swear to god, Alex, don't-"

"Dick and Kaldur sittin' in a tree."



"Alex please."

"first comes-"

Dick pushed her over, "stooooooooop."

Alex giggled, poking him in the side, "nooooo, I will not stop till you say it."

Dick hit away her hands but she kept poking him and tickling, giggling all the while.

"Alex stop acting like a school girl!"

She grabbed him in the most violent hug Dick had ever been given, still laughing.

"you're such an idiot, Dick," Alex chuckled, "the biggest fucking idiot."

"please let go of me," he said.


"Alex why."

"because you've got a cru~ush," Alex said, holding back more giggles, "and you have no idea what to do about it so," she looked over at the trapeze, "here you are."

"that is not what's happening."

"it is," Alex said, "oh, you silly little boy."

"I'm twenty two."

"then stop acting like a child about this and face your feelings," Alex said, smiling.


"then I guess you're stuck here forever," Alex said, "what a shame, you'll never be able to kiss Aquaboy again."

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