The Fix

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M'Gann really wished she didn't have to have this conversation, not yet at least. She wasn't ready.

On the other hand, time was an illusion that heals all wounds and there was no better time than the present.

"I can't wait any longer, I have too many questions," L'Gann sighed, turning to her, "why have you been avoiding me? Why won't you return my calls? What's going on between you and Connor?"

"nothing!" M'Gann denied, "I mean, not what you're thinking." She tried to offer some form of comfort, cupping L'Gaan's face with her hand.

"then what angelfish?" said L'Gann who, despite trying to be angry, sunk into her touch, "please?"

M'Gann didn't know how to talk about this, and she was semi-lucky that they were interrupted. Although, the cause of the interruption was less than great.

"we hate to interrupt such poignant interspecies romance," came a voice from above. M'Gann looked up, finding three people standing atop the wrecked cars of the junk field as if they were towering above on a parapet. The speaker was standing with his hands rested on a sword across his shoulders, M'Gann recognised the two-toned uniform- Death Stroke.

"we have pressing business with the Martian," came one of the accompanying people, and this one was recognisable by voice alone. M'Gann looked to the assassin standing not far off Death Stroke's right, his hand resting on the pommel of his sword, the sharp edge gleaming, the tip dug into the metal by his foot.

Dick. Richard. Robin. Renegade.

M'Gann didn't know what she thought of him, standing above her like a hooded omen of death.

Artemis- Tigress, the mask seemed so strange now that it was tied with blonde hair- was there as well, one hand on a hip, the other holding onto a crossbow.

L'Gann went on the immediate defensive, stalking forward to attack. Dick twisted his hand and the sunlight shot through the air, M'Gann flinched, so did L'Gann, and the assassins leapt into the offensive.

Death Stroke went straight for L'Gann, Renegade backing him up. M'Gann knew he could handle himself so she flew up to keep above the fight. she batted away a dart from Artemis' crossbow.

"Artemis? That's you right?" what the hell was going on?

"it's me M'Gann, and I'm here to kidnap you."


Rapid fire crossbow bolts came flying at her.

Artemis quickly filled her in and told her to make it look good. L'Gann was almost out of commission and Dick showed up in M'gann's peripheral. She sent several cars at Artemis to keep her busy then turned to Dick.

"long time no see." She sent a few projectiles that he dodged easily, he threw back his own ninja stars.

"yeah, that's more my fault than anyone's," he answered, "I'm guessing Artemis filled you in?"

M'Gann almost smiled as she watched Dick move between everything she was throwing at him. he still moved like he used to; a crazed lunatic acrobat with no care for self-preservation.

"I have so many questions for you," M'Gann said, pretending she couldn't see Artemis sneaking up on her.

"make a list, hopefully you'll have a chance to get through them all some time."

As Artemis shot another dart M'Gann watched it in the corner of her eye, she dodged last second. As she hesitated Dick made his attack. She was close to the ground, it just took an awkward tackle and he clipped on the inhibitor collar.

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