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Dick didn't expect to see his old teammates like this, he really didn't.

Artemis had become team leader, he didn't know that till recently. Seeing her side by side with Batgirl- who had to be Barbara- made something in his chest ache. He wasn't sure what. But he could still fight them perfectly fine.

The problem was Kaldur, he seemed off.

Retrospectively, he was the exact same as he always was. But there was one thing that Dick had up on all the others- he'd spent time personally training with Kaldur now. He knew how he fought. This was not it. this was lacking all individuality and grace, he was a robotic vessel, like a video game character. Every move seemed preconceived.

Dick couldn't decipher why. He focused on the fight.

The sand beneath him was fine and sprayed out everywhere with every move. The rocket was preparing to lift off and the sound was enormous in his ears.

He took a hit from Batgirl and ducked away, in the space of that Kaldur moved in and batted Batgirl away. He turned and hit away Artemis' bow and-

He stabbed her.

Artemis arched, mouth wide and eyes blown as Kaldur glared daggers. Blood dripped onto her lips as Kaldur wrenched the blade from her chest, she stumbled back, clutching her wound, she collapsed on the sand and Batgirl swept in.

Dick watched, mind going numb.

He didn't notice the rocket exploding on its own or Kaldur's order to retreat. He was too busy staring as Batgirl attempted CPR on Artemis. M'Gann and Superboy running in and staring in confusion and shock.

He caught Superboy's eyes, just barely. he was looking for a moment of shared shock and emotion, but he got pure hatred staring back at him. M'Gann was the same. Dick felt like he was about to throw up.

"We're going," Kaldur said as he walked past Dick.

He didn't move.


Dick blinked, still staring at Artemis.


Dick's head turned to Kaldur. He had no idea what he looked like in that moment but it was definitely some shade of emotional. Dick couldn't find it in himself to care about the possibility that he was two seconds from breaking his cover.

"we're going. Now. retreat."

Dick nodded, unable to form words. He turned, tearing his eyes away from Artemis, dying on the sand.

He wanted to run to her, wanted to scream and cry in frustration, wanted to help batgirl help her, wanted to get down on his knees and beg them forgiveness-

But he couldn't. he couldn't. he couldn't.

Oh god he couldn't. he couldn't even emote because he wasn't supposed to be Dick Grayson, he had to be Renegade.

But Artemis was dying. Was probably dead by now.

The small ship connected to Kaldur's large one, it pressurised and they walked into the entrance area. Dick walked numbly to his quarters.

He flicked on his computer and called his sister and waited for it to connect. He sat in front of the screen with his head in his hands.

"Hey Dickie bird, what's up?" Alex said.

Dick sobbed.

"oh, shit, okay."

Dick just kept sobbing.

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