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Wally huffed as he picked up the cardboard box, heavier than he'd expected, and started carrying it into the front yard.

"thanks, Wally," Iris called, "just set that one with the rest of the kitchen stuff."

Wally nodded and placed the box with the ten others that held objects from the kitchen. He stretched out his back when he stood, watching as Iris picked up another box and fit it into the boot of her car.

"nope, let me take that," Bart said, as she lifted another one.

"I'm fine." Iris said.

Artemis swept in to grab the box she was reaching for, "the doctor said no strenuous activity."

Iris sighed, absolutely exasperated. Wally grinned.

"has the twin thing been confirmed yet or are we still just going by Bart's word?"

"it's confirmed," Iris said, hand trailing to her belly, where she was well and truly showing, "they're saying late October, early November."

Artemis gasped, "Halloween baby?"

Wally laughed, Iris made a face, "stop fussing," she said, adamantly picking up a box to put in the car, "Wally could you go help your uncle in the guest bedroom?"

Wally nodded and headed back into the house. He took a pit stop in the kitchen, then walked straight into the guest bedroom.

Barry was staring at a photo, sitting on the bed. He seemed slightly teary-eyed.

"hey," Wally said, sitting next to him on the bed, "what's wrong?"

"just, you know," Barry shrugged, not taking his eyes off the photo, "thinking."

"yep," Wally said, "I thought you would be," he handed Barry one of the bottles he'd grabbed in the kitchen, "which is why I brought thinking fuel, drink up."

Barry laughed, "okay, if you insist."

Wally took a sip then turned to Barry, "so what you thinkin' about?"

"I'm gonna be a dad."

Wally nodded, "yep, yes, that is, yeah." Wally shrugged, "that is a thing that is happening."

"and it's insane," Barry said, "like, not to be stereotypical or anything, but... am I gonna mess this up?"

"Barry," Wally shook his head, taking another sip of his drink, "you're gonna be a great dad."

"am I though?" Barry asked, "my first dip in that pool was with you and you literally ran away."

"that can't be blamed on you," Wally said, "I had a really shitty father, it kinda ruined your chances."

Barry snorted, "still, I didn't do anything to help you, I just pushed you away."

"Barry you're gonna do great," Wally said, "my time as Kid Flash was amazing and that's largely because you were an amazing mentor who taught me so much."

"yeah but I have to do it from the start, like, when they're babies," Barry was still staring at the photo and Wally finally peeked over his shoulder at it. it was him and Iris at their second anniversary, Wally was in the bottom hand corner making a face and his mother was standing next to Iris.

Wally sighed and plucked the photo from his hands, "look, Barry." He placed the photo on the bed beside him, "you're gonna be fine, and you have so many friends who have kids that you can ask for help."

Barry nodded, "right, yeah." He took a deep breath and stood, putting the bottle on the ground, "stand up, come on."

Wally frowned, "whaaaaaat are we doing?"

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