Chapter one

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Hadley POV

I'm Hadley Taylor. I'm sixteen years old and I have my life planned out ahead of me. I was going to get into a college, then university.

But when you think it's all planned out, one night can change all of it. One person to beg you to go out, one night for it all to mess up and change all your plans.

Well that's what happened to me, my life changed because of one bad boy, he goes by Javier James. He humps and dumps girls like there nothing.

The only one he didn't do that to was me and my best friend Janet. That is until a school party was thrown and I was dragged there.

My life changed when Javier James took me up to a bedroom. As you can tell, you know what happened. This is my story, the bad boy is my baby daddy.

"Hey darling, how was school." My mum called from the kitchen.

"Absolutely shit to be honest. Like usual." I called back.

I put down my bag and took off my shoes then went into the kitchen. My mum was cooking and my dad was reading a newspaper.

"What happened?" My dad put his paper down and gave me all his attention.

"I've had Janet bugging me all day about a stupid party, that I don't even want to go to." I sighed.

"How come? You are always a little drinker when the whole family gets together." My dad laughed a little.

"Aaron." My mum hit him with a kitchen towel.

"You know I'm right stacey. How come you don't want to go?"

"Because there'll be people there that I don't like. I hate everyone in that school other than Janet and right now, I think I could hate her."

"Come on squirt. Go out and have fun. It's your last year until you go off to college, you won't have all that time to party like you do now. Use that advantage and make memories." My dad patted my hand on the table.

"Hadley rose Taylor, we're going wether you like it or not." Janet burst through the kitchen door.

"Hello Janet." My dad rolled his eyes.

"Mr Taylor, how's it going?"

"Good. How are you?" My dad picked up his newspaper again.

"I'm alright. Please, please, please, get Hadley to come with me to the party." Janet begged my dad.

"I thought she was going wether she liked it or not?" My dad chuckled.

"Right. Yes. Come one bitch, we need to get ready." Janet pulled my hand up to my room.

"Janet Elizabeth Hermes, language." My mum yelled. I could hear my dad laughing.

My mum never likes me and Janet swearing, but my dad finds it absolutely hilarious. That's why I love my dad the most. He's so chill and doesn't care what I do.

In my family it's only me, my mum and dad. My parents struggled to get pregnant with me so when I was born, they didn't want to try again as it took so long for me to come.

Unlike me, Janet has 5 brothers and two sisters. Yep, her parents have eight kids. I wouldn't mind having a brother or sister, just not that many. But they are like family to me anyway.

"Who's gonna shower first?" Janet asked me.

"You can. That I can get all my make up ready." I sighed. Janet rolled her eyes at me then went into my en suit bathroom.

I love Janet like a sister, but she can be a proper bitch. But that's what makes us best friends.

I got all my makeup out and an outfit. It was basic, jeans and a wool jumper paired with black converse.

After Janet came out of the bathroom, I went in to quickly wash my hair and body. I made sure to shave because as Janet would say, 'you never know when you're gonna get laid. Always shave.' Her words, not mine. I know.

Once I was done, after an hour of being in there, I finally got out. Janet had done her hair, she straightened it with a black head band to keep it out of her eyes.

Her makeup was gorgeous as usual, red eyeshadow with a dark red lipstick to match her red dress. It was short with thin straps. Of course it complemented her body well.

"What are you wearing?" She asked me.

"That." I pointed to my jeans, jumper and converse.

"Ugh." She scoffed. "No you're not. Let me pick something for you." Janet went into my closet and came out five minutes later.

"Here. Now let me do your makeup and hair." She sat me down and started.

I'm the end, I had waves going down my back, black smokey eye with a cherry red lipstick colour.

"Now get dressed." Janet ordered me.

I shook my head when I saw the outfit. "My dads gonna have a heart attack."

"No he won't. Come on Hadley, let loose and have fun." She squealed.

I sighed but put it on anyway. I had a black top that pushed up my chest to make it look somewhat decent, a mint coloured skirt with black heals. I had a triangle mint coloured necklace and bracelet to match with it.

Along with a small black bag. To finish off the outfit, I put on mint coloured roses for my earrings.

"Fuck me Hadley, if I was a guy I would definitely fuck you." Janet wiggled her eyebrows at.

"Piss off. Why are you dragging me there anyway?" I whined.

"Because I have a feeling amazing things will come out of this party. So come on. It's already 7pm. We're gonna be late." She grabbed my hand and ran downstairs.

I yelled bye to my mum and dad then got into a taxi Janet got us. I really hope this goes well.

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