Up The Park

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The two girls walked for a while, and Michimiya shook subtely, the air was getting cooler. She pretended not to, for Yachi's sake. Before they knew it, the two girls were at the park and Daichi was calling out to them from up the hill, and he was holding a medium-sized jumper. Suga and Kiyo were with them, and as they got closer, the three started walking towards the pair. Daichi and Michimiya hugged, and so did Suga and Yachi, and then Suga and Michimiya. Michimiya looked at Kiyo, and the pair fist-bumped, and then she looked at Yachi. "Yachi- I-" But Yachi didn't let her finish the sentence before Yachi hugged her. Kiyo leaned into the hug. "What if someone see's?" She whispered. 

"Let them. I feel safe when we hug, Kiyo." Yachi whispered back. 

"Me to." The girls stood with their heads up for a moment before Kiyoko put her head down, so their foreheads were touching. It was only a moment, and Kiyoko played it off as an accident, and apologised, but Yachi stared after her, and she stared back and smilled. Yes, Kiyoko had played it off in front of their friends as an accident, but she had wanted to lean in closer, and stay for longer, but she was scared of people seeing them. Her friends, she didn't care about, her classmates? She didn't usually, but after tonight, things were different. When she looked up before Yachi, she saw Suga smiling at her, and she glared back, and again, he put his hands up in mock defence. 

"Thanks for the jacket, Daichi." Michimiya's voice snapped both girls back to reality. 

"Oh, It's my Mum's, she said you could keep it. She's to small for it now, anyway." He laughed for little, and then frowned. "But there is something we need to talk about. I'm sure you all know." There was something about his voice that reminded them all of being at practice after a rough match. 

"Daichi- I'm fine." Yachi lied, tilting her head and smiling. "It doesn't bother me, people have always picked me out, so you just get used to it after a while."

"Yachi, it's ok to not be ok." Suga said, "And Michi may have sold you out  bit."


"It's what my friends call me, and you can to, if you want, I don't mind. Anyway, you jumped really far up when I spoke to you, and if I recall correctly-" She leaned over to Yachi, pulled out a bobble, took off her hat and fixed her hair into Yachi's side-pony. "There." She stepped back to the boys, and smiled. "I almost didn't regonise you."

"Much better." Kiyo agreed, standing back with her friends. "Anyway, if it didn't bother you, then why was your hair down. No offense, you look cool with it down, bt why try and hide something that makes you so iconic?" 

"Oh- I just-" Yachi stuttered, and Daichi put a hand on her shoulder, and she sighed. "Yeah, ok, I think- I'm just scared, ok? I don't know who to tell, its my word against theirs, and what if when I speak up it just makes it so much, so much worse than it already is? I don't care about people hurting me, but when people go after my friends I feel like I failed them, and I've never had a single friend before so I-" She didn't finish, when Kiyoko shoved Daichi to the side and pulled Yachi in. Yachi noticed Kiyoko had been crying, and her eyes sparkled with the tears. This set Yachi off, and the two girls were hugging, but Kiyoko's arms didn't just wrap halfway around Yachi, this time, she wrapped all the way around Yachi. She tried to calm herself, but the two stayed there fpr a long time, when someone else joined in the hug. Michi. She was crying to, she hated feeling useless, so she could relate to how Yachi felt. The boys watched the girls for a moment, and then figured they could use as much support as possible, and joined in the hug, safely cocooning Yachi in the centre. 

"Yachi, open your eyes." Kiyo said, but just loud enough that only Yachi could hear her. When her eyes were open, Kiyoko placed her forehead on Yachi's, and they stayed like that until the hug broke up. "You know, we can report this as a cyber attack?" 

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