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"The Avengers are here! Man your positions!"

I heard the shout ring out down the hallway and shoved myself farther back into the darkness of the cell. Watching the men vacate the room, I started an escape plan. If I went under the bars in the corner, then out the open window, I could get outside. Once outside I'd have to get past all the fighting. Hydra had weakened me so much in the last week I wasn't sure the best way to go about it.

Standing up, I walked over to the corner where the bars had been misshapen and measured the space against my hand.




Taking a few steps back, I eyed the guard in front of my cell. Would he kill a simple mouse skittering by him? I was going to take that chance. I had to leave I had stayed long enough to know what Hydra was planning, and I needed to get that information to someone who could take them on.

I focused all my energy on the bent metal and closed my eyes, picturing a small mouse.

My body started feeling very warm, and I felt it start shrinking. When I was able to open my eyes again, I looked down to see two pink paws gripping at the ground. Smiling at the smooth transition, I waved my tail around and made a beeline for the cell bars.

Pulling my body through the break in the bars, I looked up at the guard. He hadn't noticed anything. Running away from him and around furniture that lined the room, I made it to the window. With Hydra's most recent torturing for information, I could feel my body tiring.

Only one more to go.

Crawling out onto the windowsill, I took in the damage outside.

There was fighting everywhere. Hydra officers lined the walls of the building and ran out into the woods with guns. The Avengers were coming closer and closer to the building, easily fighting off the men. Little did they know that wasn't the only thing coming their way.

I turned back into the room I had come from and ran towards the nearest computer that was facing away from the guard. Taking a big breath, I popped back into my human form, keeping my head down and my feet off the ground. Typing furiously, I managed to shut down a little more than half of the robots they had planned to send after the Avengers before the guard noticed I was gone.

His eyes wildly searched the room, and he immediately pulled out his walkie talkie to alert the others. I typed in the last few codes and locked the computer in place. The guard was starting to search the room, and I knew I had to get out of there. Turning the chair towards the window, I closed my eyes and imagined a small bird, flying free out of the window.

My body ached as I felt the warmth return, but it didn't fail me. Opening my eyes to sore wings, I launched myself toward the window.

Soaring up into the sunlight was one of the best feelings I had in years. I flew as fast as I could away from Hydra's line of fire and right towards the Avengers. But I didn't get very far before I felt my body weakening again, my flight becoming unstable and jerky. Pushing towards the nearest Avenger I could see, a dark-haired male with a metal arm, I lost my balance and plummeted towards the earth.

Then my body failed completely, switching back into my human form. Curling up into a ball on my side, I braced for impact.

When I hit the ground, I felt pain run down the shoulder and to my wrist, which had somehow landed backward on the ground. I opened my eyes to see the man with the metal arm running towards me.

He reached me and I tried to tell him what was coming. But no words could make it out of my mouth, only the tears in my eyes told him what was going to happen.

"Guys... this isn't the real fight. There's something else in that building we don't know about."

And that was the last thing I had heard before I passed out. 

Ocean Eyes: For Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now