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I heard a bunch of voices talking on the comms but Sam's broke through the rest. "(y/n), I'm sending Redwing up to you. If you can hide on top of him I can get you back into the building without them noticing too much."

I turned my head towards the ground, spotting the little drone headed up towards me and flicked through a bunch of animal options in my head. I chose something small, which was the best for an easy escape. I dove towards the drone, closing my eyes for a second to pop into the small mouse form I had used to escape from Hydra before.

"(y/n), we've got a spot for you to hide. Scott will lead you when you get indoors."

I thanked Tony and landed swiftly on Redwing's back. But as we flew down towards the building, I noticed something in the distance. Robots, like the ones I had stopped in the past were being released from an unmarked van on the north side of the tower.

"Robots. Northside entrance. Unmarked van." I hissed into the comms, then darted around to find Scott.

"Sam, south end balcony. 41st floor."

"Got it."

Redwing swung around and headed for the balcony as I prepared to jump off. When it came close, I launched myself off of the drone, switching back into my human form. I caught myself from the fall, rolled the landing, and sprinted into the building only steps behind Scott. The door slammed closed with two darts that had been aimed for me bouncing off the glass.

I ran down the hall following Scott down the hallway after hallway until we reached a huge wall painted with a mural I recognised as one of Tony's mom's paintings. Seeing the thumb-sized indent on the left side, I put my finger over it. The wall made a sound and opened a small cat-sized door on the bottom of the wall.

Footsteps kept coming closer and Scott fiddled with his armband, "alright let's go"

Quickly transforming back into the mouse I skittered into the wall, followed by Scott who had just shrunk down to the same size. I heard the footsteps turn the corner just as the small door had closed and I squeaked a "thank god" in Scott's direction.

We made our way down the small hallway and into a small room, about the size of my bedroom.

"(y/n) is secure," I heard Scott say on the comms and I jumped back into human form giving him a sad look.

"I really have to just stay in here? I want to be helping!"

Scott grew in size back to normal and popped off his helmet, "if they're after you, we can't take that chance."

Rolling my eyes, I scanned the walls, looking for some sort of window or view to the rest of the building. I saw nothing on the first glance, but then noticed a set of rectangles on the wall, mostly of the same size, but one smaller pad lower on the wall. Pressing my palm to the pad, it scanned my handprint.


"Damn it Tony" I swore, turning to Scott.

He tried his handprint too and got nothing.

"Yo Tony wanna let us into the shit in this room?" I asked over comms, "I can try to do some hacking on those robots..."

"Friday, change access code to 61611," Tony said and I located the keypad, which had just appeared on the screen.

Typing in the access code, the screens on the wall lit up.

"Yuck this is older tech, I'm gonna have to do some extra steps here."

Tony's voice came through the comms again, "Sorry about the tech, I don't really use that room anymore since we moved everything around."

"All good."

Scott watched over my shoulder as I started working with the tech, scrambling through my memory for the codes and frequencies that the robots back in the base had been using.

I managed to get somewhere, as Steve called through the comm, "the second batch of robots just stopped working (y/n). Bucky's knocked out all officers by those vans and I've got T'challa, Clint, Wanda, and Loki working to remove any other means of getting away."

Only minutes later, it seemed as if the grounds had gone silent, the robot's signals had been interrupted, the last few agents had escaped in one of their hidden planes, and the cameras had stopped picking up motions in the hallways.

"Alright team, it seems all clear over here, everyone copy?" Steve's voice broke through the silence.

Numerous answers came back positive except for one.

"Agent Hill reporting breach in files. The information that was stored here on (y/n) seems to have been stolen in paper format and copied and edited from the tech systems."

"So they were looking for me!" I said to Scott, who was pacing around the small room.

I flicked off the tech in the room and went over to the door pressing it open so that we could walk through in full human size.

Letting the door lock behind me, I followed Scott back down the maze of hallways and into the main room. We reached it only to find a huge mess, Shuri, Peter, Okoye, and Loki, none of whom were injured. Seconds later, Tony, Rhodey and Pepper came in through the broken windows, ready to help on the cleanup.

In less than an hour, with all the crew helping out, we got the main room cleared again enough for basic use.

"There has been a break-in... obviously, and Hydra has now stolen files on (y/n)'s abilities and we will need to work on getting those returned," Tony filled everyone in, "for now, let's get cleaned up."

Sighing, I jogged over towards Bucky, who had just come in from outside with T'challa. "You all okay love?" I asked, noticing a few small cuts and bruises on his face and arm.

"Luckily they didn't put up too much of a fight, I'm all good." He responded, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

Bringing him up to date on my happenings of the morning we headed back towards our rooms to clean up. I was going to my room to put on something comfy and grab my first aid kid before heading over to Bucky's to help him clean up.

Opening the door to go across the hall, I spotted movement in the normally abandoned air vent about 5 feet from me. I thought quickly, throwing the kit at the door and diving after it, making myself a squirrel in case I needed a quick climb out of the way of a shot.

"South wing, sniper in the vents" I hissed into my comm hoping that someone still had theirs on.

When there was no answer, I started to panic. But as I predicted, Buck had heard the slam of the kit against the door and pulled it open. He grabbed the kit, and looked around for me, seeing the movement in the vent just like I had. And as Bucky moved back into the doorway I took my chance and jumped toward his shoulder.

Everything moved in slow motion, my eyes rapidly moving back and forth from my landing place to the attacker and back. The sniper shot two darts, one after another, at me as I moved. The first I managed to escape by rolling my body over through the air, but the second one I wasn't as lucky. It didn't stick in my leg as the attacker wanted but instead tore deeply through the skin, took off a chunk of my tail fur, and clattered on the floor with the other one.

Still managing to land on Bucky's shoulder, I clung on for dear life as he ran back into the room to put me and the kit down on the bed. But instead of staying to help he shoved the door open again, grabbed his gun, and tried to take down the attacker. With no luck, he pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and called Steve informing him of the situation.

Switching forms back to human I fell back onto the bed with a yelp. The small wound that had been made when I was a squirrel had now tripled in size, tearing across my leg


With the amount of blood I was losing, my head was starting to spin. "Buck get Shuri please"

Tearing his t-shirt off he pressed it to the wound and picked up the phone with his other hand.

"Shuri! (y/n)'s down, we're gonna need some-" Bucky said, but I felt my head spin out of control, and everything disappeared.


Ocean Eyes: For Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now