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Opening my eyes, I found myself on a plane with a lady with fiery red hair, a girl playing with a little red ball of energy, and a woman who was flying the plane. I tried to sit up but winced as my sharp pain shot up my wrist. The girl who had been playing with the energy ball let it go and approached me cautiously.

"Do you need some help?" she asked, her voice soft and calming.

I looked around, and then back at her, nodding. "Where am I?"

She came closer and helped me to stand up, walking me over to the table that sat in the middle of the plane. I sat down on the table and she sat next to me.

"You're on a plane that is under control of S.H.I.E.L.D." she explained, "you fell out of the sky during our mission, and when you fainted, we brought you here to keep you safe."

My eyes grew wide, "Is everyone okay? 2Did the robots come? Did you win?"

She got up from the table laughing, "Everyone's okay, only a few robots came, and I'm pretty sure we won."

I sighed in relief and picked up my wrist from the table, rubbing it. "Do you guys have any wraps?"

The girl nodded and reached up to pull a first aid kit out of one of the compartments on the walls of the plane. She took out a wrap and I held out my hand. Letting me take it, she stood back and watched me treat my own injury. When I had finished, I looked up at her, "Thank you..." I trailed off, not knowing her name.

"Wanda," She responded, giving me a smile.

"We're almost there," the lady with the red hair called out and turned to face us. "Oh hello! You're awake."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a hard candy, tossing it in my direction, "these are really good for after you pass out, it gets the sugars going again."

Taking the candy out of the wrapper, I popped it in my mouth and shoved the wrapper in my pocket. With Hydra's dull food choices, this was the best thing I had eaten in a few months.

Following Wanda towards the pilot's seat, I looked out the window to see the Avengers tower shining in the daylight. The sight gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, I was finally safe.

Ocean Eyes: For Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now