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The next morning I woke up to something very cold on my cheek. Opening my eyes, I found myself looking at Bucky's face, a piece of hair having fallen over his eyes. As my memory flooded with the memories from the night before, I felt my face heat up and I tucked the strand behind his ear.

I then glanced at the time and realised it was almost breakfast. After debating on whether to wake up Bucky I decided that I'd be best to let him sleep. Careful not to hurt him, I rolled out of bed and located a pad of post-its and a pencil, writing him a short note.

Hey Buck,

Went down to get some breakfast and figured it'd be best to let you sleep.

I hope you're feeling better this morning, love.

- (y/n)

I went down to breakfast, sitting in my normal spot on the couch and pulling my phone out to check any new messages. It took me a second to realise that the whole room had turned their attention to me.

I looked up from my phone, and then down at Bucky's favorite shirt. Blushing profusely I faced the group, "I forgot to do my laundry..."

The Avengers seemed to let that slide, except for Wanda, who immediately pressed for more details. Clint called for food and I tried my best to explain that I wasn't lying about the laundry.

She poked me again, "come on... there's gotta be something more than that..."

"Maybe when you're older kiddo," I said, smirking at her.

Just then, Bucky walked into the kitchen, putting his hair into a little bun on the back on his head. I almost choked on my food when he looked over and locked eyes with me, smiling warmly. Wanda started cracking up and I smacked her in the arm, giving him a shy smile in return.

Bucky grabbed a plate off the counter, got some food, and walked towards me. Wanda immediately turned away, striking up a conversation with Bruce, as he slipped me a folded piece of paper and headed over towards Steve and Sam.

When he had sat down with them, I opened the slip of paper and flattened it on the counter.


Thank you for last night, it really means a lot to me that you came and stayed with me.

I'm feeling a lot better, doll:)


My insides felt like they were going to explode with happiness. I pushed Wanda away from the note and tucked it in the waistband of my shorts, bringing my plate over to the dishwasher. I caught Bucky's eye on the way over and gave him a soft smile.

Ocean Eyes: For Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now