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That night, I knocked on Wanda's door. It had become a little bit of a tradition for us to have a sleepover one day every week. The sleepover was usually on Fridays, but since the party was happening, we thought it'd be best to do it the day before instead. Luckily, the sleepover never coincided on the days that Bucky had nightmares, so we'd been able to do them for a while without fail.

Bucky and I had agreed to Tony's announcement at the party, but I knew Wanda was dying to know the details about us, so we had also agreed we'd each tell one person before Friday. He chose Steve (for obvious reasons) and I chose Wanda.

And to no one's surprise, it was the first thing she asked about when I had entered the room.

"Alright (y/n), what's with you and Bucky, you haven't let me read your mind about him in like a month!" She exclaimed, throwing my pillow onto her bed.

I smirked, "well today's going to change that."

She squealed, plopping down on the nearest chair, "details girl!" details!"

Sitting on the floor, I cleared my mind, "So you can't tell anyone about this yet okay?"

Wanda nodded happily and focused on the scenes I was replaying in my head for her.

When she had finished, she slapped a hand over her mouth, "holy shit you guys are so cute together, my heart cannot handle it."

My face got hot and I turned away, staring at the pictures up on Wanda's bedroom shelf.

"(y/n)... when are you gonna tell people, like hello, we've all noticed it." She went on, "like since that day you came down in Bucky's favourite shirt."

I rolled my eyes, remembering that day clearly, "We're gonna make an announcement at Tony's party tomorrow night."

She let out a sigh, "good because I don't know if I could keep all this knowledge a secret for longer than that."

I looked back at her, "well I guess it's a good thing we had the sleepover tonight then!"

"Definitely," Wanda agreed, tossing a stuffed animal at my head.

I caught it, and glanced back up at the pictures, where one had caught my eye, "Hey can you tell me that funny story with Pietro and the pollen again?"

Ocean Eyes: For Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now