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After the "puppy incident" as Tony calls it, he and the other avengers started doing some training exercises with me. I learned some combat skills for when I was in human form with Natasha and Scott did some exercises with me to try and help me to get faster and more efficient at transforming.

As the Avengers got over that original shock of my abilities, it started to become more fun in the tower. I would transform into random animals and freak them out, or fit myself into different sized spaces during hiding games. Wanda and Natasha had tons of fun with my kitten form and Rhodey, Steve, and Bucky were a big fan of when I transformed into a German Shepard to assist them on smaller missions.

And speaking of Bucky, I had lately begun to take interest in him. While the others sat comfy in the tower, he seemed to always be on edge and chose to be by himself. Steve was the closest Avenger to him, so I went to him one morning to ask about Bucky's actions. When he explained a little bit of Bucky's past, I immediately felt the need to give him a hug. Although I knew about most of the Avenger's messed up pasts, they had been able to move past them, seemingly unfazed. With Bucky, I could tell he was still hurting.

During lunchtime that day, we had a bunch of new visitors to the tower. T'Challa and Shuri came in from Wakanda to discuss new technology. Apparently, Tony had put in a request for Shuri to make me a suit that was able to help me during transformations. So happy with the gift, Shuri and I talked well into the afternoon. Then more visitors arrived, Thor and Loki came from Asgard with some new information about the events happening in space.

At this point, I noticed Bucky's contentment start to phase out. While he had been able to talk with Steve and Sam for most of the afternoon, they had now gone to catch up with Thor and T'Challa. When I noticed he was alone, I excused myself from the conversation with Wanda and Shuri to go and check in on him.

"Hey Buck, can I come to sit with you?" I asked quietly.

He moved over a little bit so that I could sit next to him on the couch, "Sure (y/n), what's up?"

Starting with a casual conversation I eased into the facts of his past slowly, using my own experiences to make him feel more comfortable talking about it. As we talked, I felt him relax and start to enjoy talking to me. And as I started to feel the same way, I felt myself gravitating towards him physically as well.

When Tony and Rhodey called for dinner, I got up to get food. When I noticed Bucky didn't follow, I turned back and held out a hand to him. He looked around at all the people and then back up at me.

"Alright love, I'll get you some food." I laughed and made my way over to the counter. I heard him start to object, but was taken aback by the nickname and let me go.

Grabbing an assortment of food, I started walking back towards Bucky, when I remembered the large balcony on the south side of the tower, which was not open to guests. I pushed my way through the crowd to Tony and asked him if Bucky and I could go out there. He agreed and pulled out his phone, pressing a few buttons, "the access code is 0282"

Thanking him, I went back towards Bucky, "I've got something for you."

Looking up from his phone, Bucky gave me a questioning look but followed me down the hall, taking the plate of food I held out to him. When we reached the balcony, he gave me a smile and watched as I typed in the code to get outside.

"I thought I'd bring you out here and get a little bit of fresh air," I explained, placing down my food at the table. Bucky followed suit and I went over towards the door to turn on the string of fairy lights that lined the edge of the balcony. 

Ocean Eyes: For Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now