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When the plane landed in the Avengers Tower, we followed the red-haired lady out of the plane and into the building. "I'm Natasha by the way," She explained, "and of course you've met Wanda already"

I nodded, hugging my wrist closer to my body as the scenery started to change and I saw people in the main room.

"Come sit with me while everyone's cleaning up, Tony is going to want to question you." Wanda insisted and followed her into the room of people.

As we entered, I felt all the attention turn to me, and I whimpered, hiding behind Wanda. She laughed and motioned for the others to go back to their business. I kept behind her until we reached the couch, and then I sat down next to her, still nursing my wrist.

When the rest of the Avengers had finished treating their injuries, they trickled into the living area with drinks and snacks to refuel.

Last to arrive was the man who Wanda had pointed out as Tony. He came and sat down, looking at me. "So it looks like we have a newcomer, why don't you tell us about yourself, my dear?"

I looked over at Wanda and she smiled, urging me to go ahead. I spoke directly to Tony, as I was a little timid of talking to the whole crowd at once.

"My name is (y/f/n). I came from that Hydra base you guys just attacked."

I felt the whole room tense up, thinking I was working with them.

"They captured me about 3 months ago, thinking I had powers. Instead of fighting them, I used it to get information about what they were working on to try and take it down from the inside."

The room relaxed then and Natasha spoke up, "That must have been why there weren't as many robots as we thought there were going to be."

Tony looked at me and I nodded, "I took out about half of them before I had to get out of there."

The blonde man who Wanda had said was Steve Rogers spoke up, "So how did you get out of there...? All Bucky saw was you falling out of the sky."

I laughed, "magic!"

"So you do have powers?" Bucky asked. I locked eyes with him, immediately getting lost in the bright blue oceans.

"I- uh-" I stammered, pulling myself away. "Yeah..."

Ocean Eyes: For Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now