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As the week continued on, many of the Avengers came to stay at the tower until the party. The Asgardians, Thor and Loki, showed up on Tuesday along with Ant-man and Rhodey. Following them on Wednesday was T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye from Wakanda. Thursday brought Nebula and Rocket, but also the spider child Tony had asked me to help out with.

I watched Tony walk him in and I headed over in their direction, When I reached them, I introduced myself, "You must be Peter! I'm (y/n), one of the newer Avengers too!"

Peter rambled on, "oh my goodness, hello! it's an honour to meet you. Shuri told me a lot about you, and-"

Tony cut him off, "alright kid there's time for that later."

He turned to me, "Happy had the bags all sent to their rooms and things, can you take Peter around the tower, just a basic tour?"

"Of course!" I said, motioning for the boy to follow me.

"Bye Mister Stark!" he said happily and came over to me, "is it true that you can turn into all the animals?"

I laughed, starting the walk down the Northside hallway, "yep, would you like to see?"

He jumped up, "yes please!"

I pulled the collar out of my jeans pocket and snapped it on, turning on the translation feature, "you got that communication device Tony gave you?"

He nodded and ruffled through his back pocket for the earpiece, "Here it is!"

I quickly paired it with my collar, told Peter to put it on, and stopped walking, closing my eyes and picturing the Doberman puppy I was so used to.

Within seconds, the warmth came and went and the puppy dog stood in my place.

Peter stood shocked, "that was epic!"

Quickly wiping my thoughts, I 'said' something back, "thank you kind sir, I will be your tour guide for the Avengers Tower today"

Peter gasped at the voice, "you're just thinking that and it comes through here?"

I nodded, "yep! Because if I try to talk-" I said a string of random words, all coming out as barks.

Peter laughed, "well, I can hear you loud and clear miss (y/n). And while we're stopped I have one more question."

"Go ahead Spiderman."

"So is your dog form all white because of..." Peter trailed off, not wanting to offend me.

"Being albino? Yep!"

Peter smiled at me and started walking again, "That's so cool. Now where's Mister Stark's lab, I've heard it's really awesome!"

Ocean Eyes: For Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now