Do not really eliminate them, just let them sit there. If your phone could distract you, do not hide it away from yourself. Put it nearby. This way, you train yourself to getting exposed to the potential distraction, hence you think about it less because you're used to it. When tempted to play games or to scroll through social media, remind yourself that now is not the time for that, but that you'd get to do it later. This is how you discipline yourself without being too hard. Turn "not doing that right now" into "gonna do it later." This trains your mind that it could be done some other time so there would not be any need to rush.
In order to memorize things better, it is not necessarily about the ability to memorize well. It could also be about the craft of making things easier to retain. If something is so long, break it down and connect it to a previous memory, think of a situation where you could relate it to the information you took in. This enhances critical thinking skills.
Humility goes a long way, and it carries you through it all if you humble yourself and acknowledge the areas you could improve and work on. Be willing to ask for help. We all could learn something from everyone. Your quiet friend might be actually able to help you in arts if you would just ask for their input. You could even ask help from your teachers or professors -- it may surprise you, but they really appreciate it when you would ask for their input to help you be a better student and a better person in general. You could ask some help within your family and within your social circle. If you have a lover, it could also strengthen your connection with them since you would be letting them help you with something which would make them feel appreciated and more drawn towards you. There is so much diversity. It only takes an open mind to discover such wonder.
Do not just sit and stare and then let your mind be taken elsewhere. Be in motion, keep on striving, writing, reading, and whatnot. If you get something wrong or if you forgot something, do not beat yourself up. Take a deep breath and work on your task. The mind is powerful. If you say something negative, it could unconsciously take it in, and it could take a toll on you for such a long time. Be alert so that the same mistakes would not happen again. In case they occur again, take it as another learning experience. Maybe there were some things you forgot to consider. Revise it. Keep going. Do not dwell too much. One day, the dots would all be connected and you would gain understanding of so many things. Just focus to make the present to bear fruits in the future.
When they say that you have to never surrender in the pursuit of your goals, it was not meant as in you have to always give your hundred percent. If you get sick, rest for a while. Still, try to accomplish as much as you can. If your body says that it cannot function well anymore, rest. Don't push it to the limit. It is up to your own judgment whether or not you could still manage to be moving. If you're in bed all day because of a sickness, try to recall in your mind some bits of the discussions you attended or participated in. This way, you remain consistent in your goals while not overworking yourself. If you feel sad and just want to stay home all day, the benefit of staying indoors would give you much time to think and meditate. As for still attending your classes, the negative feelings could get pushed away as you sense the feeling of confidence crawling in your veins as you learn something. Feelings are temporary. They are normal, but if you get too caught up around it, it could hinder your vision. Still, do what works best for you so as long as you would still make progress.
Come up of a goal. Picture yourself triumphant. This action is relaxing and at the same time, motivating, because it shows you what you really want. This brings your senses altogether to reach that dream. It inspires you to keep going for the sake of the joy of your future self. It is not bad to daydream every once in a while. Just make sure that it will not distract you from actually moving in present time.
This does not mean that you would not hangout with friends and with family anymore, and just be focused on studying. This says that no matter the external forces, be firm that your mind will always be in the seeking of your achievements and making your dreams to be your own reality. Maintain your focus. Do your best to avoid falling into the depths of temptation. Do thing in moderation. If you face a setback, rise. Be resilient. Keep going. Do not give so much energy into anything that does not positively impact you. Do not give so much attention to someone who does not support you. Be so committed in your line that you would not let anyone or anything to cause it some unnecessary zigzags.
Keep going, you're almost there!
Non-FictionEMBRACE the values of success, balancing different aspects of life, and making the most out of every learning experience. A seven-day observation matched with tips to manifest and execute better strategies to fully enjoy the affair of life -- craft...