7 Helpful Activities to Strengthen Your Mental Power

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This is best done in the morning or in the first few moments of waking up. Let your thoughts raise your awareness. It could be uncomfortable to face your subconscious musings, but this is a grounding technique that enhances the ability to make better choices. This also helps you to understand yourself better. By doing this, you develop self-compassion, acceptance, and mindfulness. 


Even a simple stretching could greatly help. This strengthens the muscles and the bones which leads to a stronger immune system, flexibility, and agility. It releases endorphins which help produce positive feelings and lessen the perception of pain. Depression rates also decrease, because the mindfulness in exercising as you take note of the rhythm of your body -- makes you think less of your worries -- in the sense that overthinking would not conquer your day. 

3. READ. 

Even in just 30 minutes of reading, your focus  will be enhanced, and you will also gain knowledge. Spend your leisure time broadening your set of skills and unlocking your potentials towards the improved version of you. It also helps with linguistic abilities, and upgrades your vocabulary. With this, your art of communication will be refined. 


Humans belong to and belong with nature. Every once in a while, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the flowers in your garden, the motion of the leaves, or even the atmosphere and the weather. Take time to feel the sunshine splitting on your hair and dashing on your cheek. Take time to feel the breeze embracing your body. Take time to let the sound of raindrops invite memories. Take time to be with nature and refresh your state of being human. This soothes you and reminds you of your blessings, the vastness and vividness of life, and brings peace into your soul. 


Songs could bring back some memories that could be vital for us to better equip ourselves in the future. Their moods could also influence yours. When you're sad, you could listen to sad music to empathize with you; happy music to make you smile; heavy metal to unleash something really fierce inside you. It could also keep you preoccupied in accomplishing your tasks, because you could remain unbothered by keeping yourself entertained by music while your hands and mind would still be on the duties. 

6. WRITE. 

This could go with writing a letter to a friend, or even typing to a friend a whole speech bubble about your day, writing in your journal, writing about your goals and dreams -- this eases the mind and significantly decreases the worry. It will make you be present in the moment while still having a secure vision for the future. It also magnifies critical thinking skills and strengthens your bond with a person -- may be with your friend, or with yourself. 


Think of a specific goal of yours, and then brainstorm how you could achieve it. For example, if your goal is to have better grades, then it is best to study daily. In order to balance it, set days for when you would lessen the time period of the activity. What matters is that you have done something to make progress. Always make progress no matter the quantity, the important thing is that you are making your dreams grow -- big enough that when you have finally achieved them, it has enough space to hold satisfaction for you and your dear ones. 

Do something today that will help you become the best version of your future self. 

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