"Lets escape together."

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It has been a month or two since the 53rd season of danganronpa has been on air. It contained of the sixteen students with all amazing talents! Ranging from Ultimate detective to.. many other questionable and cool talents.
The students were all scared.. trying to find out how to escape before anyone died, let alone before anyone decided to kill anyways, it was up to the Ultimate detective to try and find the mystery of this school, and mainly why they were there..

Shuichi had a couple 'friends' he's pretty sure he's met them somewhere before and once he met the Ultimate supreme leader he felt a connection to him right away, wanting to learn more about him and finding him actually kind of cooll , although he was probably down right a criminal. Kokichi was a heavy liar, lying without remorse sometimes and getting his way but he also took a interest in the detective as well..
Shuichi was chilling in the dining hall as it was mid day, he just wanted to be alone and left to think and solve mysteries of why they were here.. before he could even get silence he heard foot steps. It was Kokichi Oma, Ultimate supreme leader. Err.. he could be lying about his talent but who cares for now. "Is there anyone here?", the small purple haired boy asked, looking around before noticing Shuichi.

"Ahm Kokichi, I'm here and.. What exactly are you doing here?"

"Oh, hi!" Kokichi walked over to Shuichi, "I was just bored, there isn't much to do here right now"

Shuichi gestured to the seat that was next to him. "You could've just hung out with the others."

Kokichi sat down next to Shuichi, puffing his cheeks, "You all bore me though, no point in doing that"

Shuichi looked at Kokichi confused "Kokichi if we hang out, you could just choose what we do."

Kokichi smiled a little, "Really?"


Kokichi then nodded, looking around "You looked like you were zoned in to whatever boring detective things you were doing"

"A-Ahm really nothing at all"

"It's not like I cared anyway" Kokichi smirked, laughing a little.

"A-anyways what would you like to do for now Kokichi.?" Shuichi said looking at the boy with a deep feeling.

"Hmm, oo! We should play the knife game" Kokichi grinned.

"What's that Kokichi.?"

"I'll show you, hold on!" the small boy got up, running into the kitchen.

"Huh?" Shuichi said as he got up to, to check on Kokichi

Kokichi ran into the kitchen and grabbed a small knife, looking over at Shuichi.

"Kokichi... why do you have that..?" Shuichi said already ready to take the knife away.

"I told you, it's the knife game! Rules are sing the knife game song and go faster while trying not to cut your fingers off!"

"Kokichi what are you doing playing something like that?! You could get hurt!" Shuichi said trying to swipe the knife but failed.

"Watch it! I could cut you!" Kokichi yelled at him.

"I don't care! Having a weapon like that could make you wind up like the others!" Shuichi said yelling back as he went for another attempt.

Kokichi raised an eyebrow, pointing it at Shuichi "You're way too reckless! Watch, I could kill you right here!"

"K-Kill me.?!" Shuichi said as he stepped back in fear.

"Yeah, so better be careful mr.detective" Kokichi laughed, placing his hand on the kitchen countertop.

Let's escape together//Oumasai//SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now