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"Hello my darling beloved partner in crime~" Shuichi said kissing Kokichi.

Kokichi kissed him back, smiling "I missed you.. Even though you we're only gone for maybe twenty minutes"

"To think we only got out two days ago and we've already been through so much." Shuichi said sadly looking at Kokichi.

"Things will get better.."

"I hope so.. anyways Kokichi I'm gonna have to get into my work again, I can't just stay at home all day." Shuichi said laughing a bit.

"Aww, that's no fun" He puffed his cheeks, yawning.

"Would you like to be my detective partner my love~" Shuichi said kissing Kokichi.

"maybe... But I'm not that good at playing a detective role" Kokichi put his hand on Shuichi's cheek, kissing back.

"I love you Shumai" Kokichi looked into Shuichi's eyes

"I love you too my sunflower~" Shuichi said softly kissing Kokichi.

They sat down on the sofa, kissing for a little bit until pulling away "I'm glad we broke out of there.."

"I am too,.. But Kokichi can you be my partner.. in solving crime.. and in committing them...?" Shuichi said happily.

"Of course.." Kokichi nodded.

"Good I'll call my uncles company!" Shuichi said holding his phone out.

Shuichi was on the phone for twenty minutes stroking Kokichi's hair.

Kokichi leaned against Shuichi, smiling.

"I GOT US THE JOB!" Shuichi said happily widely. "You did? Thats great!"Kokichi said happily

"We'll start tomorrow, but I feel a bit weird.." Shuichi then fell to the floor in pain, and fainted.

Kokichi's eye's widened "Shuichi!?!" he quickly got on his knees.

Shuichi's body was out cold, and when Kokichi was checking what happened, he saw a dart in his left leg.

Kokichi quickly took it out, placing a small bandage around it. He carried Shuichi to their bedroom, fuck. This is probably because of stopping the killing game.

Shuichi groaned loudly, and opened his eyes a bit.

Kokichi was sitting up as Shuichi was laying in bed.

"Kokichi what happened..?" Shuichi had his hand on his forehead, and was in deep pain. "Wait this isn't the killing game.... Where am I..? I thought we were in hopes peak..?"

"Shuichi.. You, don't remember..?" Kokichi started to slightly cry.

"You and I made an escape plan.. We escaped and you took me here as your lover.."

Shuichi scratches his head, "I'm sorry but, Ouma why are you saying these things and, where am I.??"

"I'm telling you what happened dummy!! You're in bed, at *your* home." Kokichi was still in Shuichi's clothes from last night.

"H-home.? Does that mean the killing game never happened..?" Shuichi was still confused, and dazed.

"Just- just shut up and let me explain." Kokichi stroked Shuichi's hair a little
"You and I made an escape plan in the killing game, we escaped successfully. Then we decided to go to your place and we.. We *killed* Tsumugi. Then your parents found out we escaped and you left and brought me here to your house."

Shuichi then started to cry without noticing, and he touched his forehead.

Kokichi hated seeing his lover cry, kissing his cheek gently "it's okay.."

Shuichi's eyes suddenly lit up for a bit , but then went back to normal, and rested.

"And.. We're also lovers.." Kokichi mumbled.

Shuichi's eyes then opened. "W-what do you- wait d-didn't we kill K-Kaede.?!" Shuichi started stammering.

"Well.. Technically she killed herselffffff, buttttttttt you basically finished the job on her"

Shuichi was looking at Kokichi, barley able to hold his tears, "But I still barley remember anything..."

Shuichi somehow managed a smile, and just waved at Kokichi.

"They might have given you amnesia.." Kokichi looked at the vile on the bedside table.

Shuichi sat up, and kissed Kokichi slightly, while holding his soft hands. "I kind of remember you.."

"I'll help you remember whatever you need.." Kokichi gently kissed back, nuzzling him.

Shuichi's leg was numb, and couldn't work that well, do to the dart, Shuichi attempted to get up, but of course couldn't. "Ow..."

"Hey, your body is still numb. What do you need?" Kokichi was more caring than usual.

"I'm okay, really you shouldn't worry about me Ouma Kun." Shuichi then forced another smile, and then just continue to lay down.

"But-    Shuichi how can you act so fine when you're not?!"

"B-because I am fine silly.." Shuichi obviously didn't know what was going on, but went along with it for Kokichi.

"I'll go get you some water.." Kokichi was still worried for Shuichi, running downstairs to grab a glass of water then going back upstairs to accompany Shuichi.

It was a very.. VERY painful day..

Shuichi mumbled in his sleep for his energy was too low to care..

Kokichi stayed by his side all day, the amnesia worn off a bit on Shuichi but his body was still numb.

"Oh Shumai.. I'm going to kill whoever did that to you.."

Kokichi then heard a noise come from Shuichi when Kokichi has said that. "I ......love.... you.... K-Kokichi.."

"I love you too.." Kokichi kissed Shuichi's forehead.

Let's escape together//Oumasai//SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now