❣️Partners in Crime ❣️

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Kokichi was slightly scared, but trying not to show it "We're known for this.. We can do this." Kokichi remembered Shuichi had a small stash of weapons in his room, finding the small compartment of where those weapons were.

"She probably brought company too."

" I'll go down first... You can wait for a bit right Sunflower?"

Sunflower...? What an odd nickname for the small petite boy.

"Shuichi no! You're going to get hurt.."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be okay my sunflower." Shuichi then kissed Kokichi's forehead and headed out the room.

"No!" Kokichi was scared Shuichi was gonna be killed, or taken away. He looked at the window and jumped out of the house, preparing to sneak attack Tsumugi to see luckily she had no back up.

There was then a gunshot and a bullet that went straight through her heart and organs...

She was cold dead..

And then Kokichi was there, sending his knife straight through her skull to finish it off. They made sure she wasn't coming back.

"We'll get the others tomorrow but first we should take a shower. I don't like Tsumugi's blood style on my clothes.."

"Alright.." Kokichi nodded, looking at Tsumugi's dead body "While you do that I'll hide Tsumugi's body where no one will ever find her."

Shuichi then looking at Kokichi with a raised eyebrow. "And where would that be my pretty boy~?"

"In an incinerator.. Obviously Im not going to bury her" Kokichi and Shuichi were acting like how they did in the old times, lovers and partners in crime.

"I like your thinking! Anyways I should take a shower, after you should too.. Although pink is a good color on you." Shuichi said winking.

Kokichi walked over to him, giving him a quick kiss "I'll be back, my partner in crime."


Kokichi smiled, Shuichi had went up to his bedroom for a shower and Kokichi went to go dispose of the body.

Shuichi was finally done in the shower when he heard a thud come from his room.


Shuichi then ran out with a towel rapped around his waist and went to his room to see what was wrong. Kokichi was laying on the floor bleeding..

Kokichi's head was bleeding, and it looked like he had fell. He was mumbling something..


"Stop yelling, please.." Kokichi sighed, he had disposed of the body but had accidently tripped when walking in Shuichi's room.

"O-oh I'm sorry Kokichi." Shuichi then helped Kokichi up and he held Kokichi in his arms..

"I'll get a bandage for you right now my love."

"Alright.." Kokichi smiled a little, Kokichi was accident prone.

Shuichi then grabbed a first aid under his bed and grabbed out some bandages to put on Kokichi.

He got Kokichi cleaned up and Kokichi got his shower, they were safe for now at least.

Shuichi's parents then heard the noises of others being in their house and looked in Shuichi's room to see their very son.

They were surprised, Shuichi was in some normal clothes but they didn't want to see him. He was reckless about going into the killing game.

"Shuichi what you did was very bad... We thought you and your friends died..." Shuichi's dad said disappointed.

"Correction only one of my old friends are gone..." Shuichi said crossing his arms.

"And I believe you've met Kokichi." Shuichi said as he winked, gesturing to Kokichi who was in his sleeping clothes.

His mother looked disgusted "You're lucky you even escaped. You act like this is all a game."

"It is a game dumbass. I'm so done living here because Incase you forgot. I have more money than both of you combined! I'm taking Kokichi and my 37 posters of danganronpa with me to my house that I myself SHUICHI SAIHARA own."

"You're not even eighteen yet! You cannot do that!!" his mother yelled at him, "I thought you'd learn your lesson from being in that killing game!"

"Oh I learned something alright. I learned how to tell how fucking salty people can be." Shuichi said scoffing.

"You're only fucking sixteen Saihara, we won't hesitate to lock you in here FOREVER!" his dad shouted but then his mother added "Until you're eighteen of course and then you can get the fuck out of my house."

"I'll take my chances" Shuichi said winking at Kokichi. He then grabbed his wallet and bag and jumped out the window holding Kokichi in his arms.

Shuichi then successfully landed on his feet and let Kokichi down gently and then did a one last fuck you to his parents.

Kokichi had woken up, being put on his feet "Saihara-chan..?" he looked over at Shuichi wondering what the hell was going on. His parents were infuriated.

"Hehe follow me my sunflower" Shuichi said grinning as he picked up and held Kokichi in his arms once again.

He then started to run with the boy in his arms and sprinted to a huge house that was on a big hill.

Kokichi smiled "I'm guessing you told your parents?" he held onto him.

"Yes, yes I did." Shuichi replied back kissing Kokichi.

Kokichi kissed back, smiling.
"We should get some sleep." Shuichi said still carrying Kokichi into the house.

Kokichi nodded "It is getting late.."

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