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Shuichi didn't sleep at all but just sat down in a spare room thinking nothing but bad thoughts.

The night was silent..

The next morning Kokichi wasn't in bed of Shuichi's home, instead he was handcuffed to a different bed, hearing Rantaro's voice. But.. how was he even alive?

"Did ya miss me.?~" Rantaro said happily. Rantaro then had Shuichi with him in the closet stabbed in 3 different places.

Kokichi's eye's widened "N-no.."

"Your boyfriend is gone now so you're mine! Isn't that lovely!" Rantaro looked at Kokichi madly.

"I'm not going to love you.." Kokichi couldn't move since his legs were also handcuffed to the bed.

"LIAR!" Rantaro slapped Kokichi. Once Shuichi heard the noise he bursted out of the closet helpless since his wounds were open.

"K-Kokichi!..." Shuichi said before he fell to the ground. And passed out.

Kokichi layed winced "o-ow! If you want me to love you I suggest not slapping me!"

"Then I'll kill him instead..." Rantaro said pointing a knife at Shuichi with Shuichi's blood on it.

"No! Okay, I'll do anything for you! Just don't kill Saihara-chan!!"

"I think I'll stab him one last time for the hell of it." Rantaro then Inserted the knife into Shuichi's left leg and Kokichi could her the terrifying screams coming from his lover.

Kokichi couldn't cover his ears watching his beloved get hurt was not his cup of tea.

Shuichi was crying for help at this point screaming in agony...

"shumai.." he started to cry a little.

"RANTARO JUST KILL ME ALREADY SO HE CAN GO!" Shuichi started arguing with Rantaro and the more they fought the more Shuichi got hurt.

"No!!" Kokichi yelled out, as Rantaro had locked Shuichi in another room.

Shuichi then was almost at his life limit when a hand helped him.. "I'm here to save you Just hurry!!" It was Tenko And Angie...

Shuichi shook is head while crying. "I'm not leaving without Kokichi!!"

"Himiko is about to get Kokichi now hurry!" Tenko said.

Shuichi nodded and then Angie and Tenko had to put Shuichi's body on theirs for support.

but Himiko couldn't do anything.. Rantaro had took Kokichi somewhere else, he had Kokichi in handcuffs still and his bandana around Kokichi's face so he couldn't speak.

Then a familiar face appeared and it was Gonta who had crushed Rantaro's head...

"Gonta is here to save Kokichi." Gonta said ripping the handcuffs and running to the hospital where Shuichi was.

Kokichi's face paled, Kokichi following until he suddenly had feinted. He just wanted this all to be a bad dream..

Kokichi then woke up in a hospital chair that was next to Shuichi's hospital bed..

Kokichi looked at Shuichi, so it wasn't just a bad dream.. "Shumai!"

Shuichi's arms, leg, and stomach were stabbed but now Stitched up..

"Oh my god.. I'm sorry.." Kokichi teared up.

"I-it's okay but Kokichi are you okay." Shuichi said with no energy.

"mhm.. I'm fine.." Shuichi noticed some of the hickeys on Kokichi's neck from Rantaro.

"Look I'm sorry he did this too you..." Shuichi said holding a small box..

"Saihara chan its okay.. What's that?" Kokichi stood up.

"Here I want you to have it.."

"What is it..?" Kokichi looked at the small box.

"Open it silly!" Shuichi said looking him in the eyes.

Kokichi giggled "Okay, okay!" Kokichi opened the box, gasping a little once he saw the ring that was inside the box.

Shuichi smiled at Kokichi once he saw what was in the box.

"N-no, you're joking" Kokichi looked at Shuichi, almost about to cry.

"Why would I joke when I say I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." Shuichi then Kissed Kokichi's hand slightly as he put the ring in Kokichi's finger.

Tears went down Kokichi's face "I-It wanna spend the rest o- of mine with you too!"

"Kokichi Ouma... Will you make me the happiest detective in the world, and marry me..?"

"Y-yes!" Kokichi cried tears of joy, kissing Shuichi gently.

Let's escape together//Oumasai//SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now