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Kokichi nodded "It is getting late.."

They both then walked to one of Shuichi's many extra rooms. And both fell asleep in the same bed.

"Goodnight my little sunflower of joy." Shuichi said as he laid down stroking Kokichi's soft lavender hair.

"Good night my mischievous detective.." Kokichi smiled.

Now morning

Kokichi then woke up in Shuichi's arms still getting held by his lover.

Kokichi smiled, stroking his hair "Oh Shumai.. I love you.."

Shuichi made a quiet groan and then said half asleep. "I wuv you too~"

Kokichi kissed Shuichi's nose, yawning a little.

"We'll get the others in an hour-" Shuichi said yawning.

"Did you want to cuddle..?" Kokichi giggled at the sleepy Shuichi in front of him.

"Yes pleaseeeee~" Shuichi said yawning once again.

Kokichi kissed Shuichi, feeling connected to him. He remembers all the times they've done something dirty and shit.

Shuichi then finally started to wake up completely. And he kissed Kokichi once again.

Kokichi got on top of Shuichi, nuzzling him "Big day today.."

Shuichi then wrapped his arms around Kokichi "Mhm! And I'm so glad I'm getting everyone else with you.!"

"Im glad to have my Saihara-chan back.. " Kokichi leaned down to kiss Shuichi.

Shuichi then kissed Kokichi back and nuzzled his nose agains Kokichi's shoulder.

Kokichi giggled a little "You're so cuddly.."

Shuichi then booped Kokichi's nose. "And you're so adorable."

"Am not.." he puffed his cheeks.

"Whatever you say~ now we should get ready my love for we have some friends to save~" Shuichi said kissing Kokichi's cheek.

"Great, this'll be fun.." Kokichi chuckled

Shuichi then got dressed and headed to the kitchen to wait for Kokichi's arrival.

Kokichi changed into his dice uniform, and tied his scarf on his neck. "Today's the day.."

"Are you ready Kokichi.?" Shuichi asked nervously.

"Yes Saihara-chan!" Kokichi nodded, grabbing a bag of weapons just in case things go wrong.

"Yes Saihara-chan!" Kokichi nodded, grabbing a bag of weapons just in case things go wrong.

"Alright let's take hmm which car..?" Shuichi then opened the garage where their were Tesla's and Lamborghinis.

"Oh wow Shuichi... That's amazing.." Kokichi looked at the cars.

"Its really nothing." Shuichi said embarrassed that he might have flexed.

"And you caught my checkers" Kokichi pointed to a checkered designed car, just like his scarf!

"O-Oh you noticed. Y-yeah before the game that was supposed to be present for you.!"

"Well, you're the best present" Kokichi grabbed Shuichi's shirt. Making him bend down, kissing him before walking to the car.

"You know that you're adorable right.?" Shuichi said giggling.

"I'm not!" Kokichi hopped in the car since it didn't have a top on the car. "Come on! What're you waiting for?"

"Yeah yeah I'm coming my little grape boy." Shuichi said teasing Kokichi.

Shuichi then started the car and started speeding to where the door of the killing game led.

Kokichi laughed as he was sitting up, his hair blowing in the wind.

Shuichi finally stopped the car. "We're here.." he looked back at Kokichi and could see Kokichi's worried face. "Hey you'll be okay Kokichi.. don't worry about a thing.

"Yeah.. But what if this goes wrong?"

"Nothing will go wrong as long as I'm with you my love." Shuichi said happily holding Kokichi's hand.

"I brought weapons just in case.." Kokichi held Shuichi's hand as they got out of the car.

They both opened the door together and went to the main hall.

everyone was there, looking at Shuichi and Kokichi

"What happened?! We were worried you two had died!" Kaede looked at the two with a worried face.

"N-no we just escaped." Shuichi looked uncomfortable at the sight of Kaede because he knew she liked him.

Kokichi rolled his eye's "We killed Tsumugi, she was the mastermind so you all are free."

"Excuse me you both killed someone?!" Maki said on edge since she wanted Kokichi actually dead.

"Yeah, so technically you all owe us your lives or we'd all be doomed" Kokichi laughed.

Kaede looked at Kokichi for he was still holding Shuichi's hand tightly. "Uhm so anyways uhm. Kaede started muttering.

"Anyway's lets go, we came to rescue you all" Kokichi leaned on Shuichi, smiling.

Kaede just ran out of the door as Shuichi pointed to it blushing shyly for Kokichi was leaning on him.

the rest started to run out the door too, wanting to be free.

Shuichi and Kokichi were still holding hands when they also exited.
"Before I go..." Shuichi then took out a push pen and clicked the button that was on it.

The academy was suddenly on flames Blowing up the whole school..

Kokichi's eye's widened, the two had ran out and watched as the school burned and exploded.


"Now we can leave." Shuichi said kissing Kokichi.

Kokichi kissed back, as Shuichi and Kokichi went to their car.

Kaede, Rantaro, and Kiibo all walked up to the car.

"C-can we go with you two." Kaede said shyly.

Kokichi waited for Shuichi to give his answer, already jumping in the passenger seat of the car.

Shuichi looked down with a dark look. "Sure there's plenty of room in my house...."

They nodded, getting into the back seat of Shuichi's car. Once Shuichi got in the car, Kokichi kissed him "I'm happy that the killing game is over, thanks to you.."

Let's escape together//Oumasai//SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now