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"I love you too.." Kokichi kissed Shuichi's forehead.

Now Morning..

In the morning Shuichi regained most of his memory and the numbness in his body had went away, Kokichi was asleep next to him in bed.

Shuichi had woken up to get closer to Kokichi, when Kokichi got on top of Shuichi and stayed there.

Shuichi had liked Kokichi ever since he realized why he was lying. He didn't want to tell Kokichi in fear that he wouldn't feel the same..

Kokichi's eyes were closed, he was still in Shuichi clothes and he was just dead asleep

"Kokichi..... I'm sorry you had to take care of me yesterday but today we have our jobs to get to..." Shuichi wanted to get up but didn't want to disturb his lover.

Shuichi had woken up to get closer to Kokichi, when Kokichi got on top of Shuichi and stayed there.

Shuichi had liked Kokichi ever since he realized why he was lying. He didn't want to tell Kokichi in fear that he wouldn't feel the same..

He carried Kokichi and laid him down carefully on their bed to rest a bit more. "Hm I should take a shower..."

In the morning Shuichi regained most of his memory and the numbness in his body had went away, Kokichi was asleep next to him in bed.

Shuichi had woken up to get closer to Kokichi, when Kokichi got on top of Shuichi and stayed there.

Shuichi had liked Kokichi ever since he realized why he was lying. He didn't want to tell Kokichi in fear that he wouldn't feel

Kokichi down as his assistant so he'd always be close to his lover at work.

Kokichi stayed asleep, curling into a small ball in bed.

Shuichi finally got out of the shower, and finally woke Kokichi up with a kiss.

Kokichi's eye's fluttered awake when receiving a kiss from his beloved. "Morning Shu.."

Shuichi still wasn't dressed and was just wearing a towel. "Kokichi your up my lovely~ we have work in 4 hours."

Kokichi sat up, kissing Shuichi again "You look sexy as usual.." he blushed a little, accidently speaking his mind.

Shuichi then got on top of Kokichi, "and you are too my love~ You look the best in my eyes~~" Shuichi replied back, kissing Kokichi.

Kokichi placed his hand on Shuichi's cheek "You're so sweet, my blueberry.."

"I love you.. work doesn't start for a couple hours right..?" Shuichi said seductively.

"I love you too, and yes you're correct.." Kokichi nodded, the two touching noses.

Shuichi started numbing embarrassed, and shyly."C-can we..?" He then turned a nice shade of red, and got closer to Kokichi.

Kokichi laughed a little at Shuichi's shyness. "Mhm~"

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