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"I'll do anything to be yours.." Kokichi looked into Shuichi's eye's.

"Anything..?" Shuichi said looking down at Kokichi's body.

"Anything.." he nodded.

Shuichi started to put his hand up Kokichi's shirt. "Anything you say~?"

"Anything shumai~" Kokichi kissed Shuichi deeply.

Shuichi started to rub Kokichi's ears as he pressed his body against Kokichi's.

Kokichi could feel Shuichi on top of him, "S-so thats what you want..~"

"Mhm~ How did you read my mind my lovely lover.?~" Shuichi said starting to kiss Kokichi's neck.

"Because.. you're hard~" Kokichi tilted his chin up a little so it would be easier for Shuichi to kiss his neck..

Shuichi then moved his hand down Kokichi's pants and slowly  started to rub Kokichi.

"Ah..~" Kokichi quietly moaned, biting his own lip.

"Hm you lose your composure easier than I thought.~" Shuichi started to go faster as he sucked Kokichi's neck leaving love marks.

Kokichi was starting to get hard, he was quite sensitive on the neck too. "I-I do n- ah..~ not..~"

"I won't stop unless you tell me too mkay..?" Shuichi never wanted to do something to his lover without his permission.

"And that's what I love about you.." Kokichi nodded "But.. you can keep going if you'd like" he smirked.

Shuichi nodded and grabbed the lube that was in the cabinet.

Kokichi was turned onto his stomach, he had grabbed a pillow to rest his head against.

Shuichi then put lube on his fingers and entered one in Kokichi's entrance.

"A-ah~" Kokichi moaned, feeling really turned on.

"D-do you want me to go slow first.?" Shuichi said since he hadn't done this since before the game.

"M-mhm" Kokichi nodded, his breath was getting heavy from horniess-

Shuichi then started going slow, but then started to go faster as Kokichi got used to the feeling.

"A-ah~ Mnh shumai..~" Kokichi moaned more, Shuichi loving the sounds of his boyfriend's moans.

"Can I enter you Kokichi...?" Shuichi asked shyly.

"S-sure..~" Kokichi nodded.

Shuichi then took out his member and entered his tip slowly in Kokichi..

As Kokichi moaned a bit, Shuichi finally entered him all the way.

Kokichi moaned, almost shedding tears from his hole being stretched-
"Oh Shuichi~ mnhh..~"

Shuichi started thrusting slowly into Kokichi making sure his lover wasn't that hurt.

"Ah~"  Kokichi held onto his pillow, Shuichi being taken over with lust.

Shuichi started going faster giving into lust, loving the noises that his lover was making.

"Ah~ Shumai~" Kokichi bit his lip, feeling Shuichi's hands on his waist

Shuichi then flipped them both around  and Kokichi was on top now.

Kokichi was now riding Shuichi- "A-Ah~ saihara- chan~" he wasn't expecting to be flipped around so suddenly.

Shuichi then started thrusting up making Kokichi lose and break composure.

"A-ah!~" Kokichi moaned louder, holding one of Shuichi's hands.

Shuichi then started to rub Kokichi's member still thrusting into his entrance.

"S-Shumai!~ Fuck!~" Kokichi was going submissive quickly losing his composure by the minute.

Shuichi then started going faster in both ways now starting to suck Kokichi's neck roughly.

"A-Ah!~ I'm gonna mnh!!~ cum s-soon!~" Kokichi's moans got higher pitched, feeling super pleasured.

Shuichi then took off Kokichi's shirt and started kissing his sensitive body.

Kokichi knew Shuichi was a long lasting person, starting to give in to Shuichi even more.

Shuichi finally hit Kokichi's sweet spot with his member and went faster.

"S-Shuichi!!~ A-Ah!!~" Kokichi was about to cum, moaning loudly.

"It's o-o-okay k-Kokichi l-let's do it t-t-together!" Shuichi moaned from pleasure loudly.

Kokichi kissed Shuichi deeply before hitting breaking point, "A-AH!!~" he orgasmed, cumming.

Shuichi then let out a loud moan of pleasure, as Kokichi's entrance walls tightened, making Shuichi cum. "A-AH!~ K-K-KOKICHI!!~~"

"AH!~ S-SHUICHI!!~" Kokichi was filled up, panting quite a bit while burying his face against Shuichi's shoulders.

Shuichi then pulled his length out of Kokichi making the remaining cum drip out of Kokichi's ass.

He pulled Kokichi closer to make him lay on Shuichi. "I **paint paint** l- ah~ love y-you.."

"I-I love you t-too.." Kokichi was panting as well, his legs slightly shaky from the excitement.

There was then a knock on the door.

"SHUICHI LET ME IN!!" Kaede said banging on the door.

'Shit' Shuichi thought.

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