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"I have to first ask.. Do you trust me.?" Shuichi said happily smiling.

"Would you think its a lie if I said yes?"

"It would depend if I believed you~ But I know you wouldn't lie to me like that.."

"Yeah, mhm" Kokichi nodded

"Follow me.. We're going to Dice.!" Shuichi said holding Kokichi's hand.

Kokichi held Shuichi's hand, nodding "Right!"

Shuichi and Kokichi then headed to a tree at a park.

"Well Kokichi do you remember this.?"

"A little.. it's a foggy memory" Kokichi smiled a little.

"I see. Well.." Shuichi then pulled a lever/Tree branch and then revealed an elevator that went down into the deep ground.

Kokichi held onto Shuichi's hand, excited to finally be outside the killing game they were put in.

The elevator started to go down and as they were in the elevator. Shuichi started to pat Kokichi's hair.

They finally arrived down at the room and there was every dice member standing right before them both.

They all looked back at the elevator as they saw their leader and his suppose, to be boyfriend.

"IS THAT THE BOSS?! I THOUGHT HE WAS IN DANGANRONPA?!" One of the female dice members said.

Kokichi jumped hearing the loud yell, he smiled a little "We.. escaped."

One of the male members then said "Man that series was good, it's probably going to be cancelled since you guys escaped. Tsumugi won't be happy."

Shuichi then had the nerve to question the reply. "Tsumugi...? Why would Tsumugi not be happy.. Was she.. The mastermind..?"

Kokichi looked over at Shuichi "Well, she did talk about how normal she was and how she wasn't fit to be the matermind."

"That's true. Anyways. Any dice member do you know where Kokichi or I live?" Shuichi said holding on to Kokichi tighter.

A couple of them nodded, giving them addresses. Shuichi's parents still worked about 24/7 so the house was always empty.

"Ah thank you. Hope to see you all again." Shuichi then walked Kokichi to Shuichi's house and opened the door.

"Jeez.. this place is so different.." Kokichi held Shuichi's hand, smiling

"Well it's been a while since we've been here. So it makes sense." Shuichi said smiling

the two walked inside Kokichi's house, the place looking the same as they remembered before they left for the killing game.

"It's all coming back to me Kokichi." Shuichi said hugging him excitedly

"I remember this now.."

"I'm so happy... But what if Tsumugi takes us back..?" Shuichi said looking at Kokichi with a concerned look.

"I havea whole organization, do you think she can get through to us?" Kokichi closed the door.

"You're so ignorant" Kokichi rolled his eye's

"Am not, and you know I care about you, and that's why I'm so worried Kokichi..." Shuichi then put his hand on Kokichi's right cheek.

Kokichi leaned his cheek against Shuichi's hand "I.. I love you Saihara-chan.."

Shuichi then blushed "I-I love you too Ouma Kun... Always and forever.."

Then.. the two leaned closer to each other, their lips brushing against one another and embracing into a kiss.

There was then a knock on the door.

" Kokichi whatever you do don't open that door.."

The two quickly broke from their kiss, Kokichi being held close by Shuichi. "I won't.."


Shuichi had picked up Kokichi, rushing upstairs carefully so they wouldn't make noise.. They got upstairs to Shuichi's room, shutting and locking the door and also barricading the door with a cabnit with a bunch of heavy stuff on it. "Shuichi,what're we going to do?"

"I have an idea... hear me out.. What if we pull a Tsumugi.. On Tsumugi..?"

"We kill her?" Kokichi raised an eyebrow.

"Well yes... But it's only one murder Kokichi..." Shuichi has already knew he had killed more than one person for his beloved.

"One more person on the bucket list" Kokichi grinned, nodding.

"Kokichi... I'll kill her.. I don't want you having to carry the burden." Shuichi said holding Kokichi tightly.

Kokichi shook his head "Shumai.. let's kill her, together.."

"O-okay.. But I still can't believe we've both so much more different.."

"We've both changed but we got to do this. To end the killing game."

"I might know that the people who have been sacrificed are gone. But this still means if we do this we can save the others!" Shuichi said confidently.

"We need weapons" Kokichi smiled.

"I still have my revolver.-" Shuichi was then cut off by the front door of the house being kicked down.

"She's here..." Shuichi said coldly looking at Shuichi's room door....

Let's escape together//Oumasai//SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now