Chapter 26

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 "Harry," I say groggily, stretching in the bed. There's no response, so I turn to his side to wake him up, but the bed is vacant beside me. The clock on the bedside table reads nine a.m., and although that's not too late, for me it is. I can't believe I let him brave my family without me. I get out of bed and stand on the upstairs landing listening for my siblings saying something about me, but the house is mostly silent. I feel slightly more confident about walking downstairs.

Once I begin rounding the corner to the kitchen, I hear Harper's soft voice chatting away. It sounds like her play voice, and I expect her to be alone with some dolls, but once I enter the kitchen I see that she's playing with someone. Harry sits in a chair still in his pajamas, Liam in his lap feeding on a bottle, and a pair of Harper's play glasses on his face. Harper sits on the ground next to his feet with her own baby.

	I immediately reach for my phone on the counter and snap a picture when Harry notices me

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I immediately reach for my phone on the counter and snap a picture when Harry notices me. "Cute look. I think you should keep it," I say.

He keeps his face straight, unamused. I chuckle and lean over Liam to give Harry a quick peck. Harper immediately speaks up, "Auntie Lil! Stop kissing boys, mommy says that's not allowed. Look at my baby, I dressed her pretty. I wanted to dress up Harry but none of my dresses fit him. He could only wear my glasses."

"He looks very pretty in your glasses. Where is everyone? Please tell me Kelly didn't force these two on you," I ask Harry. I can already imagine Kelly seeing the opportunity to have a free babysitter and just handing the kids off.

"Your mum and dad said something about getting the boat? I offered to watch these two so Kelly and Scott could go on a hike this morning. Haven't seen Jared and Lucia, I think they might still be sleeping," he explains. He adjusts Liam and looks down at the half asleep baby, "We've been having fun with your sister, haven't we bud?"

"We've been having lots of fun," Harper answers for Liam, "did you know that Harry can play the guitar? And he sings. He told me he would teach me how to play when my hands get big. I'm still too little."

I play along, gasping in surprise, "Harry can sing? AND play guitar?" Harper looks smug, thinking that she might have known something that I didn't, nodding excitedly. Her attention span short, she goes back to playing with her dolls, making them talk to each other.

My dad has to fix something on the boat which means it's out of commission for the day. Instead we find other ways to busy ourselves; reading, eating, tanning, and chatting. It's relaxing, but I also find myself feeling almost uncomfortable at doing nothing. I'm so used to always having somewhere I need to be, something I need to be doing.

Kelly and I offer to clean up dinner so my mom and Lucia can go on a walk and Jared can help my dad finish up the boat. Harper spent dinner begging to play with Harry, so the two of them head out back. In twenty four hours I've completely been replaced.

Kelly and I start our usual rhythm, me rinsing off the dishes, her stacking them in the dishwasher. "So Harry," she starts, "what happened to he's only a friend? I thought everything was for publicity," she says skeptically.

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