Chapter 38

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~7 months later~

I struggle to pull my suitcase through the door, stumbling backwards as I yank the heavy thing towards me. I pause once I get into the mudroom, catching my breath. Even the thought of having to drag the thing all the way upstairs makes me exhausted, so I decide to ditch it next to my shoes.

Walking deeper into the house the smell of pine scented candles floods my senses, mixed with fresh baked goods. It reminds me of coming home from school right before Christmas break, cuddling up on the couch and watching reruns of my favorite shows. It fills me with a certain warmth, and reminds me that I should call my mom.

I hear light clanging sounds coming from the kitchen, and begin to sneak towards it. I try to keep my footsteps quiet on the cold marble flooring, my lips already turning upwards. As I peak around the corner, I see Celeste leaning over the counter, a fresh baked brownie in her hands. She's suited up in her light blue scrubs, her thick black hair in a tight bun on the top of her head.

"Boo!" I shout, stepping all the way around the corner. Celeste tosses the brownie in the air, letting out a scream as she clutches her chest. Once she realizes it's just me, she doubles over with her hands on her knees in an attempt to slow her heart rate. I assume the same position, except I'm bent over in laughter.

"What are you doing here?!" She yells, a smile on her face, "You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow!"

"Surprise!" I open my arms wide, grinning like an idiot. I make my way to my friend, wrapping my arms around her slight frame. I'm about to pull back when she squeezes me tighter against her, gripping me like her life depends on it. She finally peels herself away, leaning down to pick up the remnants of brownie from the floor.

"Well we have brownies but one less now thanks to you," she announces from the ground. I chuckle as I strip my leather jacket off of me, adjusting the long sleeve shirt I have underneath it. I go to the stovetop next to cut a piece of chocolate heaven.

"Not that I'm complaining about you baking," I chew, "but why does it reek of Christmas in here? It's almost the middle of January, Cel."

Celeste dusts her hands off over the trash can, visibly sighing, "The Christmas spirit is the only thing keeping me going right now. I had to work in the ER all weekend and now I have a fourteen hour shift ahead of me. It's sucking the life out of me."

I pout my lip out slightly, "Dang, I was hoping for a girls night tonight. I already called Safia to see if she could come over later."

"Sorry, I really wish I could. Tomorrow night?" I agree easily, finishing off the brownie. My stomach still rumbles, and I realize that I haven't eaten anything since before my flight early this morning. I swing open the steel refrigerator door and am met with nothing more than some condiments and a singular piece of chicken.

"You're probably not going to find much in there," Celeste notes. No kidding. "I was going to stop at the grocery store on the way home from the hospital, haven't had a chance to go in awhile." Celeste moves across the room to grab her jacket from the back of the couch, bringing it over her shoulders.

"No worries, I can just go this afternoon," I reassure with a smile.

"You sure?" Celeste sorts through her backpack, sliding it over one arm.

"Of course," I throw my arm around her shoulder, pressing my cheek to her soft hair, "I'm proud of you, my little doctor."

Celeste slides out from my grasp and sticks her tongue out at me, her nose scrunching up. "I love you!" I call out after her as she walks through the front door. Still not feeling like carrying my suitcase upstairs I decide to pull on my doc martens and head for the store now.

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