Chapter 28

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Returning to work is bittersweet. While I was sad to leave my family, being back in my house and sleeping in my own bed is a relief. We're on the home stretch, just a few months of filming before we're done. The movie will premiere in time for Christmas, so we'll have a three month break before the press tour. It's overwhelming yet exciting all the same.

Today is the promo shoot, an indicator of the inevitable end. I wake up early to wash my hair before I have to be at the studio, and I take a glimpse of myself in the mirror before I step in the shower. In such a short amount of time my body has transformed quite a bit. I no longer look hollowed out and breakable. I actually look rather strong. There's more muscle definition than I've had since I played soccer as a kid. For the first time in years I feel like I look like myself.

The studio is frantic when I arrive. Hair, makeup, and wardrobe are busy prepping, the photographer is doing test shoots, and assistants are running every which way. I'm immediately grabbed and shoved into a seat next to Safia in front of a large mirror with hot lights aimed at me. The makeup artist wastes no time and goes straight into prepping my skin.

"Based on Twitter I take it your little lake trip went well?" Safia comments, her head tilted back and her eyes closed while a makeup artist blends her eyeshadow.

"Shit..." I whisper, "I haven't been on social media in weeks. How did they even get anything?" I dig around for my phone and pull up the app, filled with anxiety. If it's us skinny dipping I'm done for. But if it was anything like that my publicist would have called me, right? Unless she did and it didn't get through because I didn't have service.

"Chill out dude, it's nothing bad. The quality sucked, definitely taken on someone's phone. They probably sold them or something. People don't have morals," Safia reassures. I finally find the photos she's talking about, and my entire body relaxes. Pictures of Harry and I laying out on the dock in swimsuits talking. One shot has us kissing, but overall it's PG. I put my phone back, not bothering to read any more comments after seeing one that doesn't sit particularly well.

"Well it could definitely be worse. The trip was good though. Harry got along well with my family so there's that at least. What did you do?"

"I went to some party on Sunset. I'd tell you more but I hardly remember it. I woke up on my bedroom floor in a shirt that's not mine and no pants."

"I'm glad to hear you held up tradition," I joke. Safia laughs, knowing how true the words are. Safia knows how to party, and she doesn't take days like the Fourth lightly. Normally I would tag along with her, but I'm glad I took this year to be with my family.

Once my face is caked with makeup I'm led to a smaller room filled with racks of clothing. Harry is standing in front of a full length mirror while one girl pins something to his button up and another girl cuffs his jeans. He spots me through the mirror and breaks into a smile, his green eyes gleaming. "There she is," he announces, and the two girls working on him finally tear their eyes away to acknowledge me.

I walk over to where he stands and give him a quick kiss, "I like this color on you," I say while fixing his collar. The lavender color brings out the green in his eyes, making them more striking than usual.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," another wardrobe girl announces, "we're on a time crunch so we need to get you dressed Lilian." She leads me to a rack filled with colorful dresses, pulling a white sundress which will compliment my tan, accented with the same color of purple in Harry's shirt.

"You can change right here or go behind that privacy divider, whatever you're comfortable with," she instructs.

"Right here is fine," I begin pulling the dress overhead, not worried about the audience. It's nothing Harry hasn't seen, and the wardrobe girls are used to it. The girl who's helping me guides the fabric so my makeup doesn't stain it, starting conversation as she does so.

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