Chapter 44

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"Are you excited?" Harry's deep voice booms through my car speaker. I exit off the freeway, merging into even more traffic.

"Yeah but also kind of nervous... But I'm sure it'll be fine once I see them," I brush off. I haven't seen Harper since she was diagnosed with Leukemia nearly three months ago and I feel like a buzz of emotion about it. I worry that she'll be different, but I also worry that my family will resent me for not being there through her treatment. I know they said it's okay, but is it really?

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there, babe. Tell them I say hello and I'll be over as soon as this interview is over," Harry says apologetically. I gnaw on my lip nervously, the inside nearly raw. I know that I shouldn't be so anxious, but I can't help it.

"It's all good, we'll see you in a bit," I reassure, "Hey, I'm pulling up to the airport right now so I have to go but good luck! Don't say anything stupid, I love you!"

"Ha ha," He laughs sarcastically, "I love you too." With that I hang up right as I pull into the parking bay for arrivals. I put the car in park before stepping out into the heat of summer. I pull my ball cap down slightly, hoping that nobody recognizes me.

Harper has a break from treatment and Kelly thought she needed something to lift her spirits, which means a girl's weekend at my house. Harper has been a real trooper from what I've heard, but she's still sick nonetheless. The only thing that makes me feel better about it right now is that I'm the person they think of when Harper needs her mood to be lifted. No matter how old she is, she'll always be my little buddy.

I'm about to abandon my spot outside to stand in the air conditioning when the automatic doors slide open to reveal a familiar brunette dragging a large suitcase behind her. Harper lets out a shout when she sees me, letting go of her mom's hand to rush towards me.

I wrap my arms around her slight frame, pulling her tight against me. As I begin to stand from my crouched position she latches to my front, giggles escaping her lips. After a moment I set her on her feet, crouching back down to her level. I hold her at an arm's length, finally able to get a good look at her.

Even for a natural blonde Harper has always been able to get a deep summer tan after hours of playing outside but now her skin is the color of paper. In place of her honey hair is now a yellow scarf tied up into a bow at the top of her head, definitely Kelly's doing. She feels frail under my touch, like if I squeeze her arm too hard it'll break.

I know that it's the same Harper, but the differences bring tears to my eyes. I push them back, refusing to let any spill. Unfortunately Harper is too smart for her own good, "Auntie Lil, why are you crying?" She asks, pressing her small hand to my cheek.

"I just missed you so much, my little munchkin," I hug her tightly against me once more, planting a kiss onto her cheek. She scrunches her nose and wipes the spot with the back of her hand. That's new.

I straighten out my knees and go to Kelly, giving her a long hug. As I pull back, I look at her enlarged stomach, placing a hand lightly on it, "Okay, mom. When did this happen? I thought you said you were done?"

Kelly rolls her eyes, grabbing Harper's hand again, "I'll spare everyone the details." Kelly has a love hate relationship with being pregnant, and in the heat of summer I'm guessing she hates it, yet she never fails to tell me how amazing pregnancy was after the baby is here.

I load up the suitcase for her as she makes sure Harper is buckled into the booster seat, and we head back to my house. We chat about their flight, keeping everything light until I pull into the garage. Harper runs ahead of, going deep into the house.

"Wow," Kelly says, looking around the foyer, "I always forget how massive this place is." I follow her eyes, taking in my Spanish style home like I'm seeing it for the first time. Part of me feels like I need to apologize for it and I'm not sure exactly why. I guess sometimes I feel guilty that when I'm away I live beyond the means of the rest of my family, but I worked hard for this money.

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