Chapter 42

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TRIGGER WARNING: I know that there have been some underlying themes throughout, but this chapter directly talks about eating disorders!! 

I wake in the late morning before Harry who lays beside me, no evidence of him being up soon. He's on his stomach, both arms wrapped tightly around the pillow that sits under his head, his mouth agape. I rub my hand over the bare skin of his back and when he doesn't even flinch I decide to go ahead and check my phone instead of waiting for him to wake up before starting my day.

When I turn the device on I'm immediately flooded with notifications, and while it was expected I still feel my stomach clench, unsure of what it's going to be this time. The first text I click on is one from my publicist: are we okay with this or do we need to squash rumors?

I go ahead and click on the link which leads me to an article on I'm immediately met with a photo of Harry and I, our lips locked. It's actually kind of sweet, and I decide to save the picture before scrolling down to the actual content.

Harry Styles and Lilian O'Brien Back On? Couple Photographed in a Steamy Kiss at Famous Singer's Birthday Party

You heard it here first folks, it looks like Harry Styles is officially off the market! And to none other than ex-girlfriend Lilian O'Brien.

Both stars who are notorious for keeping their dating lives private shocked the world when they went public back in 2020, only to break up a short seven months later. Harry starred beside the Oscar winning actress in their award winning film "The Hating Game" where the two claim they found their spark.

Although many were in love with the gorgeous couple, the timing of their split led many to speculate that it was all a hoax in order to promote their film. So was it real or are they just getting ready for a possible second film?

One of our insiders came forward to put the theories to rest, "There is no second film and their relationship was very real," they tell us, "Lilian and Harry were very much in love, and I don't think they ever fell out of that. I have never seen two people more perfect for eachother, and I hope everyone can be happy for them if they have decided to rekindle."

There you have it, apparently Harry only has eyes for her. Sorry girls...

Another source tells us that Lilian herself put on the birthday bash. No wonder he was rewarding her with a kiss like that, she did give us the best celebrity event we've seen yet this year.

Now that you all know where I stand, let's see what the people of Twitter have to say:

@TPWKHan: IS THIS REAL?!?!?!? Please say sike my heart can't take it

@IMPAYNE: You mean Harry is dating a girl that's not me? All Payne no Liam

@1DComeBack: Am I the only one that's happy they're back together?! I liked them and it's good to see Harry with someone who's humble and age appropriate

@G0ldenG1rl: If you squint hard enough it could be Louis

I click out of the article and text back: It's all good. Let people talk. I used to hate seeing myself in articles, but to be honest I find it more amusing than anything now. Most of the time they're so far from the truth, but occasionally they hit the nail on the head and it amazes me how much strangers on the internet can gather.

I respond to a few more texts and emails before I double check that Harry is still alive. He hasn't even flinched in the past half hour, and based on the lack of reaction after I poke him it doesn't look like he'll be moving for another hour. He grunts slightly and squeezes the pillow tighter, so I decide to just let him be and head out to get breakfast.

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