Chapter 41

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This week is one where I feel validated in my decision to hire an assistant. I only had eight days total, now only four, to pull together a party which realistically is no time at all. In order to compensate, Kelsey has been doing as much as she can while I'm on set and then she's been coming over once I'm done for the night so we can touch base and share ideas. I honestly don't think I'd be able to operate anymore without her.

I have just enough time to change into something comfortable before she walks into my house carrying bags of food for dinner. She begins pulling to-go boxes out and setting them onto the table. I settle into one of the chairs, sitting cross legged before grabbing my salad.

Kelsey takes a bite of her food before opening up her laptop to a checklist, "Okay so I went ahead and texted or called everyone on the guest list, so far I've gotten over seventy people who have said they'll be there and about half of those are bringing a plus one. I still haven't heard back from quite a few so I'm planning on about one hundred and fifty people give or take."

Considering the short notice, that's a way larger turn out than I anticipated. Although I'm not too surprised, I'm pretty positive that anyone would make time for Harry. I checked in with Jeff because I didn't want to interfere with Glenne's birthday, but to my luck they decided to go on a trip this year instead, which leaves the evening wide open. It also made figuring out logistics much easier, because as far as Harry knows we're still going to someone else's party.

"The venue situation has been a little more difficult considering most everything is booked out. Avalon was a hard no and Boulevard3 is booked but they said they'd call if there's a cancellation. I did swing by Marmont's today though and I know it wasn't on the list but I think it would be really cool. They usually don't close for private events but I did do some name dropping and said it might be good for their publicity so they said they'd call me in the morning with an answer, so keep your fingers crossed. I don't think there's anything else besides that that you don't already know," Kelsey concludes.

I can feel my anxiety spiking as I realize that there's still so much to be done in a short amount of time. I trust that Kelsey will be able to bring it all together but I also know that there's not a party without a venue. I guess the worst case we could have it here...

"Alright just let me know about Marmont's, I trust your judgment so if you say it's good then I believe it. I called Stevie on the drive home and she said she'd love to perform a few songs. I know that she's doing it because Harry is a good friend but since it's happening I think we should just go full send with the seventies theme." I don't really get star struck much but I still haven't recovered from talking to Stevie Nicks, and that was only on the phone.

"It's so crazy that you can just call up Stevie Nicks like that," Kelsey shakes her head in disbelief, "I mean I know you're famous but I see you so much that I just kind of forget. But like, you're dating Harry Styles! I'm planning a birthday party for Harry Styles! And you have Safia Perez just walking in here like it's just a random Tuesday afternoon. It feels surreal sometimes." Kelsey is good at keeping things professional, but right now she sounds so young to me. Sometimes I forget that she is young, and possibly way out of her element. I think that's why I like having her around, her normalcy and youth are refreshing.

"You should come to the party," I say simply, shoving a large bite in my mouth. Kelsey stares at me, her brown eyes wide. I have to stifle a laugh, nearly choking on my food. "Re- really? Are you sure?" She stutters.

"Of course, you planned most of it, you deserve to enjoy it. Besides, you've been such a help to me. How about you bring a date or a friend with? Just put your name with a plus one on the list when you finalize it." Kelsey gets up from her chair and wraps her arms around my shoulders from behind.

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