Chapter 37

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A/N: If you want to listen to the song with the story I tell you when to play it further in! It's E.T. slowed bc the slowed version of songs always adds a little bit of spice hehe. Without further ado... enjoy!

~1 ½ years later~

Walking into my trailer my tank top sticks to my skin. I used to think that Arizona summers were hot, but the Georgia humidity is almost unbearable. Once I toss my bag onto the couch, I hold my hair up with one hand, fanning my face with the other.

"Do you feel like trying your hand at acting today?" I ask my assistant who sits at the table typing away, her young face concentrating hard on the screen, "I think I'll pass out if I have to put that stupid suit on." The black spandex traps heat like crazy.

Kelsey finally looks up from her laptop, sliding a water bottle to me, "Sorry, I was responding to Vogue about your cover shoot next month. As much as I'd love to sweat my ass off in that suit I think the brown hair would give it away." She smiles apologetically, moving to the counter opposite of her.

Kelsey is a recent college graduate that I found at just the right time. She doesn't lack ambition, but graduated unsure of what exactly she wanted to do. She knew that she wanted to get into screenwriting or directing but you don't exactly fall into that job. I offered a hefty pay for her to help me out until she finishes her first script, and she eagerly agreed. Luckily for me, she turned out to be really good at her job.

"Those flowers are from Nina as a congrats for your award," She points to the large floral arrangement next to her, "I just confirmed your times with Vogue, they're going to call in the afternoon on your day off next week for the interview portion. Shouldn't take more than thirty minutes."

Kelsey picks up an envelope sitting next to the flowers, handing it to me, "Last thing, I already told them you might not be able to make it because it's so last minute but someone named Mitch dropped off a backstage pass for the Harry Styles concert tonight."

My heart stops for a moment, surprised by the announcement. I haven't talked to Harry since the morning I left his apartment in New York, both of us deciding that distance would be good. Walking away was one of the hardest things I've had to do, but luckily life started moving so quick that I had no time to be stuck with my thoughts. He's like a hum in the back of my mind, that I rarely let myself indulge in.

I open the envelope, and sure enough a lanyard is inside "BACKSTAGE" printed boldly. Tucked behind it is a sheet of lined paper, folded in half. I set the lanyard and envelope on the counter, opening the note. Scrawled in black ink, familiar handwriting looks back at me.


Sorry this is so last minute, you're a hard person to track down these days. I understand if you're too busy or if you just don't want to, but I'd love to have you at the show tonight. Afterall, most of these songs are yours. I can also think of some other people who are dying to see you.

I hope all is well, and I hope to see you there.


I swallow the knot in my throat, surprised by the gesture. I can probably go home early tonight, and if I can, I guess I have no reason to not go. It's been such a long time that the prospect of seeing him doesn't scare me so much, but rather it sounds nice.

Kelsey, blissfully unaware of how this has all thrown me off, goes back to updating me, "Oh and by the way, Celeste texted me and asked me to tell you that you need to be better about your phone and to call her soon because she's already pissed that she has to go through your assistant to get ahold of you."

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