Chapter 49

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"Alright I should have the adjustments made in the next couple of days. We'll do one last fitting the night before?" Annabelle asks as I walk her to the front door.

"Yeah that sounds good, just let me know where I need to be and I'll be there," I swing open the door, trying not to seem too eager for her leave. She's been here for two hours though, could she please get a move on?

"I'll call you when the color swatches come in for the after party dress. I'll see you next week," Annabelle states, and I know it was a quick sentence but it feels like she's droning.

"Yeah that's great, bye Annabelle!" I rush out, closing the door behind her. I let out a relieved sigh once the lock clicks, turning around to walk back towards the kitchen.

"What's the rush?" Celeste speaks up from the kitchen table. I settle into the chair next to her, resting my chin in my hand.

"It's been go go go for the past two weeks. I'm pretty sure I've slept like four hours in the past three days... and that was the last thing I had to do before my one day weekend officially starts," I say dreamily. I love having days off.

"So is Harry coming here or are you going over there?" Celeste asks amusedly, standing up to clear her dishes.

"Well I was planning on going over there BUT if you really miss me I could stay here and the two of us could watch a movie?" I suggest. Celeste and I haven't had nearly as many girl's nights lately, especially with Safia since her schedule is just as hectic as mine.

"That's alright I have to be at the hospital early tomorrow morning anyways, you go enjoy yourself."

I nod my head until a thought crosses my mind, making me set down my water glass, "Tomorrow is Friday. You always work afternoons on Friday." Celeste turns away from me, clearing her throat, yet she doesn't answer me.

"Oh my god! You're going to Tom's house aren't you!"

Celeste gives me a glare and begins wiping up the counters. "I don't know why you think you have to hide it from me. I'm not judging," I point out, a smirk on my face. Celeste scrubs harder at a spot, only giving me a subtle glance.

"That smirk is why I'm not telling you. You're going to start asking for details and I'm not sharing details about that," Celeste points a finger at me. I try to suppress a wider smile, taking a sip of water to disguise it.

"Alright, alright... I won't ask any questions, but Safia is definitely hearing about this and I can't save you from her questions. And you already know she's going to have a lot." Safia is the queen of gossip, there's no way she'd let a detail go unnoticed.

Celeste throws the rag she was using to wipe down the counter at me, and I have to hold up my hands to shield my face from it. "Stop being annoying!" Celeste shouts.

"I love you! In fact I love you so much that just in case, you have the whole house to yourself for the next fourteen hours at least. Have fun tonight," I wink and blow her a kiss as I walk into the foyer, slipping my feet into a pair of slides. The walk to Harry's is a bit cold since it's night time in late November and all, but I oddly enjoy it. I pull the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands and take my time, taking in all of the extravagant houses on the way. This is the first time I've been by myself with silence in weeks.

I let myself into Harry's since the door is unlocked, and slip off my shoes before following the sound of Harry's guitar into the living room. He looks up as soon as I walk into the space, his mouth forming a soft smile, dimples deep in his cheek. He slides the guitar strap back over his head and sets the guitar against the couch before patting his leg.

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