Final Author's Note

12.1K 199 57

Holy shit guys... Cliche is over!!! If you made it to this point, seriously thank you so much for reading, and I really hope you enjoyed it. I'm not planning a sequel, but I really loved these characters and I hope you did too. I remember when I got my first readers I was so excited, and I literally put a thank you for 500 readers in an author's note and now I'm getting like 1k more everyday... wack

I wish I had a new story to advertise here, but unfortunately I don't. I have some ideas but I'm not sure they'll ever come to fruition because I am about to get extremely busy. HOWEVER, if I do write a new one, I'll make sure to make an announcement so all of my followers will be the first to hear :)

Thank you so much for again for reading... I have Wattpad notifications on my phone and I love seeing your comments pop up. You are all so amazing, and if you like this story it would mean a lot if you shared it with your friends :,)


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