Chapter 52

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A soft touch across my cheekbone brings me out of my light sleep, and the edges of my mouth instantly quirk up. I embrace the feeling of the stroking thumb, leaning into the warm hand before I flutter my eyelids open. A pair of tired green eyes stare back at me lovingly.

"Good morning," I practically whisper, my voice coming back to me. Harry's closed lip smile matches mine as he tucks a lock of blonde hair behind my ear.

"Good morning." He says, his voice husky. He leans forward, pressing a kiss to my temple.

I run a hand through his bedhead, my fingers getting knotted in his dark curls, "Not that I don't love waking up like this, but why are you staring at me?"

Harry gives me another light kiss but changes the topic quickly, keeping his eyes trained on me, "What are you doing today?"

I let out a hum, thinking about my mental to do list, "I have a session with Shaun in a little bit if you want to come and then after that I just have a table read, which I'm hoping won't go later than like four in the afternoon. Kind of low key all things considered. What about you?"

"Unimportant. Let's go out tonight. Like on a real date," He blurts, skipping over his agenda for the day, "You can get all dressed up and I'll pick you up at the door like we used to." His face lights up as he talks about it, and it makes me excited by the prospect.

I nod my head easily, a wider smile creeping onto my face. Before I can give a verbal yes, he continues on, "Oh! And you should wear that cream colored silky dress you wore that night in New York. I love that dress," he says dreamily. The expression on his face melts me, and I know that I would agree to just about anything he suggests.


The table read ends right on time, but it still feels like it takes longer than necessary. The entire day my head is in the clouds, daydreaming about what Harry has planned. We go on dates still, but it's been a long time since he's made plans and kept it a secret. I love how after all this time he still does things to make me feel special.

I practically race out of the office before anyone can stop me to chat and drive to my house to get ready. I pick up the cream dress from the dry cleaners on the way home, placing it on the standing rack in my bedroom to make sure it stays pristine. I take my time with my makeup, deciding to leave my hair in waves down my back.

I check the time as I wait for my eyelash glue to dry, singing along to the song playing through my speakers. Shit. I quickly press the falsie to my lash line and race into my bedroom, slipping the dress over my head. Just as I finish zipping the dress up, the sound of a doorbell echoes through the house.

I dash to the closet and grab a pair of black heels before taking the stairs two at a time on the way down. I swing open the door while simultaneously attempting to slide a shoe on my foot. Harry chuckles as he steps into the foyer.

"You know, I'm pretty sure you were doing something just like this on our first date," he muses, "It's nice to know you haven't changed." I hold up a finger as I lean over to secure the shoe. When I upright myself I smooth down my dress, letting out a loud exhale.

"Wow," Harry sighs, "These are for you." He holds his hand out and within his grasp is a bouquet of sunflowers I had yet to notice, stems cut long. I take them from him, pulling them towards my chest with a pout. "You need to stop being so nice to me or you'll never be able to get rid of me."

"I think that's kind of the goal," he chuckles. I lean up to give him a kiss on his cheek before I turn away from the door, walking into the house. "Let me just put these in a vase and we're good to go," I say over my shoulder.

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