Chapter 19

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A/N: Above is the outfit I see Lily wearing, and the song linked will be referenced later this chapter! Enjoy <3

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A/N: Above is the outfit I see Lily wearing, and the song linked will be referenced later this chapter! Enjoy <3

A door slamming downstairs wakes me and my head immediately begins pounding. I feel around but the bed is empty beside me. I open one eye to see there's a glass of water and two Advil on the table to my left. The night before comes flooding back in bits and pieces. I sit up and notice that I'm no longer in my dress which I remember falling asleep in, but instead I'm in one of Harry's oversized tshirts and my underwear. I can't believe Harry had to change me. I force myself out of bed, and once I'm standing I'm met with a soreness in my ankle. It's not swollen which is a good sign, but there's a yellow bruise forming.

I down the Advil and brush my teeth in an attempt to get the bitter taste of stale alcohol out of my mouth. I walk down the stairs to where Harry is standing in the kitchen, throwing a mixture of fruit and vegetables into the blender. He's wearing athletic shorts and no shirt, his hair pushed back by a bandana used as a headband.

"Did you just get back from a run?" I ask groggily. He turns to me and a smile breaks out across his face.

"Maybe," he starts, "how are you feeling love?"

"Like a million bucks. Never felt more alive," I say sarcastically with a thumbs up. I slide into one of the bar stools, resting my head on the cool granite countertop.

"It seems you had fun though," he slides whatever green juice he just made towards me and I take a long sip. It's not great but I'll take anything that might make me feel better right now.

"What I remember was fun. Did you?"

"Yeah it was nice to see some old friends. It was humbling too, having to take the picture of you with the lad at the pizza place," he jokes. I choke on my juice when I begin to laugh.

"Oh god I totally forgot about that. He was sweet," I don't remember much about the interaction, but I remember liking the kid. I'm also pretty sure I tipped him the last bill in my wallet.

"So is today going to be a nothing day? Or do you want to do something?" Harry asks, leaning against the counter. His arms are crossed over his chest making their muscles flex. A bead of sweat sticks to his forehead, leftover from his run. He's so hot, I have no idea how I got this lucky.

I pull myself out of my stare to respond, "Considering today is our only real day here I feel like we should get out. What do you think?" I drain the rest of the juice from my glass and move to the sink.

"I think so too. Maybe we could go to Chinatown for lunch?"

Once we're both showered and dressed, we make our way out of the apartment and onto the busy street. It's warmer than I expected today, and I almost wish I had worn shorts instead of jeans. Chinatown is only a couple blocks away from Tribeca, so we walk to the neighborhood hand in hand.

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