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(Warning - Gay slurs, strong language throughout).


Pain. And a lot of it. Well, when you're being kicked in the stomach over and over and over - until you feel like throwing up - it fucking hurts. Laying on concrete, 3 seniors towering over your small, limp, scrawny body, feet digging into your sides and stomach, your head aching from hitting the rock hard surface - oh, and don't forget the slurs.



"Waste of space!"


"Gross fag!"

Quite hilarious to be honest. But painful - really fucking painful. However, the question 'Was it deserved?' Didn't fade and there wasn't an answer, really.

Tears cascaded down his face. His grimaced and winced every few seconds. Shouts of help and whines of agony left his soft lips. Sweat embedded on his forehead. Pain was imprinted of his face, including bruises and cuts of every kind.

"Please...stop," Will whimpered, tears that dried up were immediately replaced by new ones. His voice was slowly going from the screams of anguish.

And suddenly... they stopped.

"M-move it! Assholes..."

Will heard running feet face into the distance and a pair of hands picked him up, bridal style.
Will groaned in pain and he shut his eyes tighter.

"Sorry, W-Will," the voice said. It wasn't familiar to Will but apparently they knew Will. He felt himself being lowered and then he realised he was now laid on a bench.

Wills eyes squeezed tight again before opening them. His eyes were met with the kind ones of Bill Denbrough; the stuttering, shy boy in the back of Math class. Him and Will have been partners before and talked a few times but that's it.

"Ar-ar-are you o-okay?" Bill leaning over him. Will smiled, wincing slightly feeling the cuts and bruises that covered his face. Will nodded and tried to sit up.

"L-let's get you t-to a nur-se," He said quietly, helping Will sit up and then stand. Will winced at every step he took; pain shot through his body like lightning.  

"Bill- I cant," Will said, tears welling up in his eyes. Bill grabbed the smaller boy in his arms again. Even though Bill was small himself, he was quite toned and strong; Will might've liked him if he wasn't crushing so hard on someone else.


"Mike," Lucas groaned, "It's been a week."

"Like I give a shit," Mike rolled his eyes, stuffing more chips into his face. It's been a week. A week since his heart was broken by the beloved, El Hopper. She was cheating on him with Max. Everybody already knew Max was lesbian; she came out a year ago.

Mike was sprawled our on his sofa on the basement, in a black hoodie and grey sweats. Food wrappers of all kinds and soda cans were scattered across the coffee table and floor. He also, probably hasn't showered in a week.

"She could've just broken up with me," Mikes voice cracked in the slightest, "She didn't have to cheat." Now it was Lucas' turn to roll his eyes. Lucas walked from the bottom of the stair case to the other sofa and sat with his elbows on his knees.

"Here's whats going to happen," Lucas said firmly, "You, me and Dustin are going to the arcade right now and we are going to have fun and you will forget about El okay?"

Mike just groaned, slowly sitting up and giving Lucas a 'are you really making me do this?' look before his friend nodded. Mike groaned again before stomping his way to his room, Lucas following.

"Lucas, what if she's there?" Mike shouted through the door, pulling a pair of baggy jeans from his wardrobe and another black hoodie following. Lucas was leaning on the structure of the door frame.

"She won't they're probably making out at the cabin."

Mike popped his head out of the door before saying, "Yes because that makes me feel better." He then opened it fully and made his way to the bathroom. Lucas followed him saying, "You know that's not what I meant Mike."

When the bathroom door was slammed in his face, he sighed and leaned against the wall on the other side of the hall.

"Don't take to long!"



Will limped pathetically through his front door. Bill helped him as much as he could since carry Will most of the way was quite tiring; eventually he had to give him a piggy-back-ride.

"Hey Sweetie! How w-"

Joyce's happy tone was cut off the moment she saw her son's cut and bruised face. Her face paled as she ran over and hugged him. Will tried his best to hug his mother back but his whole body hurt.

"What happened?" Joyce took her boy's face in his hands, trying not to hurt him. When Will didn't answer she moved them to his shoulders. Bill patted him on the back saying a quick bye before leaving and giving a nod to Mrs Byers.

"There was a couple boys at school- it's nothing."

"Nothing?! You can barely walk! We're going to hospital right now, don't protest," His mother said strictly, grabbing her car keys from the kitchen counter before helping her son out the door.

While driving to the hospital, Joyce was muttering under her breath. Will could only make out a couple.

"Should've stayed... Have to find one... a month maybe..."


"Lucas it's too crowded."

Lucas scoffed and pulled him through half empty arcade trying to find their friend, Dustin. Finally, he was found when he started shouting about a 'trash' game.

"Overpriced bullshit!"

"Dustin! Jeez!" Lucas winced at his loud voice. Mike just rolled his eyes shoved his hands into his pockets. Dustin sighed crossed his arms over his chest.

"This is actually pathetically, Mike," Dustin said, tired of the boy's sullen face and attitude. Mike just shrugged.

"Your acting like Steve when him and Nancy broke it off," Dustin complained. Mike's jaw dropped as he frantically protested against that idea. Lucas eventually got tired of the useless fight so he grabbed both their sleeves and pulled them through the crowds, not caring if someone gave him a dirty for shoving past them.

"We are going to play bowling and I don't give any shits if you don't want to because we are," Dustin said, turning a round to put a few coins in the machine. Soon enough the balls rolled through the little machine thing and Lucas
practically launched one at the bowling pins - hitting an immediate strike.


"Mom, what were going on about in the car?"

Will limped through the front door after hours in the hospital. He broke his ankle and bruised his elbow, which isn't exactly the best combo when your in pain from your foot but also you think your arm would snap any second.

"Nothing sweetie," Joyce smiled, walking happily into the kitchen, "Go rest your ankle on the sofa, Jonathan will be home soon." Will smiled sweetly at his mom before using his crutches to - try - walk to the sofa.

Man, was it going to be a long six weeks.


Let's just say it the beginning of December when this is happening. Also hi thanks for reading 😘

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