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Will walked around town for a while before walking back home. He saw that the party weren't there but Mike was sat in the main room with Jonathan and Nancy.

"Where's mom?" He asked Jonathan, completely ignoring Mike's presence.

"She's out with Karen and Holly," he replied. Will rolled his eyes and left again. He leg was killing him but he couldn't stay in the same house as Mike any longer.

He quickly walked to Eleven's house, finding her and her girlfriend painting each other's nails. Will already had tears in his eyes.

"I- I did it," he smiled brokenly, "I st-stood up to h-him." Max almost bolted to where Will stood, he fell into her arms. The ginger's heart broke for the boy.

She caressed his head whispering sweet nothings into his head of of hair. El stood quickly and came over to hug Will. He whimpered into Max's shoulder while El and Max gave each other worried looks.


A few minutes later, Will had finally calmed down and began to tell them about the argument. He was just about to them about the kiss.

"A-and then..." he took a deep breath, knowing Max would freak, "he um- he kissed me-"

"WHAT!" She screamed, El's eyes widened, not exactly knowing how to react, "Tell me you didn't kiss back William..."

He looked down and El rubbed his back. Will felt guilty and he knew he should've pulled away as soon as their lips met.

But when they kissed it felt... it felt right. It was like they were made for each other, in the least cheesy way possible, it was like fireworks set off.

"Just- just tell us what else happened," El said sweetly, smiling at the small boy. Mentally, Will thanked her. Max huffed and sat down next to her girlfriend, scowling. El kept her chuckle to herself, smiling as it slightly appeared.

Will carried on his story and when he was finished, Eleven spoke up.

"Will, you did the right thing by confronting him," she began, "though you shouldn't have kissed back and I know that sounds mean but that's giving into him. You should give each other space for a while and then try to have a civil conversation."

For a girl that was closed off from the world for most of her life, she sure was smart. Will nodded and leaned into her as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Max sighed and carried on with Eleven's nails.



"It- it just came out! I though he forgot-"

"You can't just call someone the f-slur!" Lucas fumed at Mike. Mike had just explained about both the arguments since he never spoke about both of them. He told them about calling Will the f-slur with the first argument and about the second one and how Will brought it up.

"How can you expect him to just forget about that, Mike!" Lucas shook his head as he paced around the messed up basement. Mike slumped further into the sofa, sighing and running a hand through his black locks.

"You think I don't know that Lucas!" He shouted, standing quickly, tears now streaming down his pale face, "I know really fucked it up this time and I wish I could take back those words.. b-but I can't..."

"I h-have to give him space now..." Mike breathed out slowly before rubbing his tired eyes.

"I- I just wish I n-never said i-t..." he sobbed. Lucas quickly had sympathy for him and went to wrap his arms around the broken boy.

"You fucked up Mike..." he sighed, rubbing the boy's back, " I just hope you're able to fix it..."


The next day, Will, Joyce, Karen and Mike were all sat watching another Christmas film. The mums were sat quietly chatting on the sofa while the two boys sat on the floor - pillows and blankets surrounding them.

Will was finding the movie boring so he moved to lay on his back, sighing. Suddenly, he felt a weight on his stomach. He looked down and saw black hair laid across his frame.

The smaller boy tried to hold back a smile but he couldn't. Sure, he was still mad with him but he had longed for one of these kid of moments. Hesitantly, his fingers reached out and started running through the locks of hair.

Will heard Mike sigh contently and Will smiled once more. He let his head fall back. A blush formed on his cheeks and he smiled giddily.

Mike swiftly turned over so he was facing Will. Before he could say anything, Will beat him to it.

"I'm still mad," he whispered, with a straight face, "this doesn't mean anything." Will blushed and he knew it. He tried hiding it and tried to keep a straight face but when he heard Mike chuckle, he broke slightly.

Mike turned over once more and began to stroke Will's thigh...and that was how they fell asleep with Karen and Joyce smiling at their sons.

Hey guys!
Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment :)


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