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Christmas Eve night

The adult slept peacefully in their bed and little Holly. Lucas and Dustin were sprawled out on the sofa together while Max and El were with Hopper. Mike and Will Will were watching the end of Will's favourite Christmas movie: The Grinch.

They sat silently since the movie was quiet - Dustin can be very grumpy when woken up. Will's eyes were strained on the TV though a smile was stretched across his face. The first true smile Mike had seen properly since he got home.

Mike was looking at Will every few minutes, he loved watching his bes- Will smile. Especially after the accident in Portland, luckily his ankle was healing faster then the doctors thought (btw in changing it to he sprained his ankle).

Over the last couple of days, the boys weren't quite friends yet but they were getting there. Mike was happier since he was making progress with Will and he was slowly realising he... liked Will.

Will's feelings for Bill had dropped since he came back. He had a crush on Mike for so long and that couldn't just go away. Will still wore Bill's sweater everyday although the scent was going.

Will was still waiting for one from Mike; a real apology. He refused to see Mike as a friends until he received an apology. Forgiving Lucas and Dustin were different since he knew that it wasn't their fault that they lost touch.

Eventually, the movie finished and as if it alerted Dustin and Lucas, they woke up. They said their parents were waiting for them.

After they left, Mike and Will were scrolling through the channels, seeing if anything good was on. Will sighed and reached for his crutches, however, Mike stopped him.

"I um," he began, pathetically, "I hope you know I'm sorry for the...argument." He smiled hopefully at the younger boy.

Will sort of scoffed, call him selfish but after what he said that 'apology' wouldn't cut it. Will just grabbed his crutches and left.


Will and Mike were woken up by Holly's loud screaming of 'it's Christmas!' Along with her heavy footsteps. Mike smiled and went over to Will's spare mattress (it was an upgraded Ron the pull out bed).

"Hey..." he whispered, smiling as the boy sleepily turned, trying to open his eyes. Will rubbed his tired eyes and smiled at Mike before realising who it was.

"It's Christmas," Mike said, sweetly. Will basically shot up and eagerly reached for his crutches. Mike helped him stand (though Will was very reluctant saying he didn't need help) and they carefully walked down the stairs and into the main room; where the two families were waiting.

Will smiled at him mum, saying a very quiet 'Merry Christmas' before moving on to everyone else. The adults opened their presents  and all the cards.

"Can we open them now?" Holly, referring to the brightly wrapped presents, grinned at her mother when she nodded. Quickly, she grabbed the nearest presents - checking it was for her - before ripping out its contents.

Inside laid a new notebook, pencil crayons, pens and a pink stationary set. Holly smiled and thanked her parents.

Mike grabbed one, handing it to Will before he sat on the floor, near his younger sister. Will joined them, along with Jonathan.

Mike had got a new game for his computer and some new clothes. Will got a few items of clothing and professional colouring pencils. They all got a few other random gifts.

Soon they were all sat in the sofa, drinking hot chocolate and watching a new Christmas movie named 'Scrooged.'

The Christmas morning was wonderful and, for Will, it might've just gotten a bit better...


Hello! I am so sorry that I've been gone for so long but I've had major writer's block and I started school again.
Also I know it's short but don't worry! It gets better...


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